Shot 1- Fire in the mountains - run...Run...RUN!!!

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'Vikrammmm babyyyy!!! Not nowww!!!' Shaila moaned in frustration while still rolling her naked body covered in sheets on the bed while I sat looking into the mail sent by Seth my assistant who had called me an hour ago and I sat going through the reports.

As of now I was trying to understand the reason for loosing this contract. I had done best of my research to win this deal but I did not understand how even after doing such a low bid how did I loose this deal. We had the most feasible designs.

'Babyyyyyyyy commme!!!' she tried yet another time remove the silk sheet off her chest and seduce me. But right now my d*ck wasn't excited. I was only worried about who won the contract and that's exactly when my phone pinged and I noticed the name flashing on the screen.

'Thakral Group of Corporation' and I rolled my eyes.

I huffed in frustration pushing my hair falling on my forehead with my fingers in anger and frustration. And suddenly my phone rings and I see one man's name whom I didn't want to talk right now because I knew what was coming. I closed my eyes shut and calmed myself and then received the call

'Hi Dad...' I spoke up when I heard his gruff voice saying

'Again??? How did this happen again Vikramaditya? This is the 3rd contract we are loosing to Thakrals in a row. It's like ever since I had decided to handover my business to are proving to the world what a failure you are...That petty girl hasn't even took over the position of a CEO and she's creating a havoc in the market and here you are proving to the world what a looser of a son you are... above all what a looser of a CEO you are...' he said and I shut my eyes closed.

LOOSER!!! I hate that word. Especially when I'm compared to her.

Specifically because we have known each other since childhood. Our mothers were besties once upon a time but then an unfortunate incident and we lost our mothers. Our fathers were business rivals since we were kids however always remained sophisticated and extremely cordial infront of the world. But I hated her.

She was the biggest frustration in my life. I didn't know what annoyed me so much. If it was the fact that she was so good at business even when she didn't have to put in so much efforts or the fact that she and I were at constant comparison at every stage in our life.

May it be our kindergarten, our school, our college. She was always on top.

Every damn exam she scored above me.

I remember I was the happiest when she fell ill during her twelfth and I strangely was happy because I could finally beat her. I know it's cruel but atleast once I wanted to beat her. But the vixen was such a sharp brain that even after being down with chicken pox she still scored better than me.

I hate her.

'Vikramditya Singhania would you atleast have the courtesy to not fuck a random slut today and take the responsibility of your blunder????' dad said as I was back from my reverie and I noticed Shaila moaning loudly on the bed trying hard to seduce me and hear dad was frustrated with me.

'I...I am...sorr-'

'Dont!!! Just don't Vikramaditya!!! You are such a 'sorry-state' in the name of a CEO!!! You are even more useless for a successor to the Singhania empire if I could put it across in more better words...We lost such a basic project and there you are fucking another girl? Can't you keep it in your pants atleast the night when you brought me and Singhania Group shame again my darling desperate son???' he asked in extreme frustration and I shut my eyes close.

'Huhh what can I expect from a looser mother's looser son. No wonder she hanged herself!!!' saying he disconnected the call and tears didn't roll down my eyes.

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