The Girl Who Was Taken Captive

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As this is fanfiction I have made the necessary changes (as far as copyright info is concerned).  The first chapter has been updated with this information.  The story will continue on and if you  have continued reading this story on my fanfiction page you know that I will, in fact, be writing three versions of this story with different pairings which will be announced soon.  Questions?  Ask.  I'll answer.

The Girl Who Was Taken Captive

"Examine?" Green Lantern glanced at the box thinking surely she didn't mean what he thought. When she didn't flinch away from his gaze and boldly proclaimed, "The glow needs to go so we can figure out what it does," he figured she did mean what he thought. She didn't look for a second like she thought her idea was insane or dangerous. Kunoichi made it seem like it was something that had to be done—and the sooner the better. He almost believed her himself and relaxed his guard, but at hearing one of his temporary companion's reply he didn't.

"I don't think that's wise Kunoichi."

It was obvious that Superman and Batman, although having a conversation of their own had been listening to every word—especially since Batman kept him from saying what he wanted to say.

"Why?" Her spine snapped straighter and she took a purposeful step toward Batman. "We've accomplished nothing and this is our only clue, our only lead about what's going on. Green Lantern should drop his green glowyness so we can take a closer look at it."

Green Lantern looked at Flash and mouthed the words, 'green glowyness'? Flash, who was of no use, just shook his head. He couldn't help but be offended.

"It's dangerous."

Kunoichi smiled slightly. "If you're scared, Batman, I'll protect you." Green lantern bit back a chuckle, but only barely. Flash, unlike himself, wasn't able to hold back. Batman simply stared and Sakura would never admit that his piercing gaze unnerved her a little.

Next time she'd keep her mouth shut.

It wasn't long before they all stood surrounding the cube as if it held the secrets of the world at their disposal. Sakura never could get Green Lantern to remove his glow, which he referred to as 'light', from the cube, so she stopped trying to fight a losing battle. They'd have to do what they could within his protective bubble which she knew wasn't going to be much. A hands on examination was necessary, mandatory even.

"I can't see through it."

Everyone turned and looked at Superman.

"You can see through things?" Flash asked with a bit of incredulity. Some of the others looked at him with amazement, but Sakura was mainly discomfited by the statement, especially when he replied, "Most of the time." His pretty blue eyes had suddenly become a danger in more way than one. Sakura folded her arms across her chest, and took a discreet step away from Superman. It was the first time she felt uncomfortable around him since she met him, which she thought was funny. He flew through the air and walked through fire and she was unnerved that he could see through her clothes.

But then again, being a female was a funny thing. It didn't help that her genin instruction was a major pervert that had in the past consorted with greater perverts. And don't get her started on Naruto and his transgender tendencies.

"What brought these things here? I don't remember anyone saying." Flash's brow furrowed as he studied the cube.

"We think it was an alien life form. Batman and I crossed paths with one earlier today and brought this with us."

"The Kunoichi and I came in contact with one as well. Only the box that it was carrying blew up."

Sakura's head swung towards Superman alarm coloring her stance. Her heart started pounding loudly, making it difficult for her to hear. She was suddenly glad that her suggestion to examine the box had been vetoed. "That's what started the fire?" Superman moved closer to Sakura being able to hear her heart speed up and wondered at the cause. Her face lost all its color and her eyes darted to the box and then all around the room quickly as if looking for an avenue of escape.

"Yes, I thought you knew. We talked about it earlier."

Sakura didn't recall any such conversation, but she didn't doubt him. She was still struggling to process everything that happened, and she was bound to miss a few details. It was just unfortunate that she had missed a pertinent one. She hoped she wasn't going into shock. Sakura didn't really think so, because the scenario that was running through her head wouldn't come to the mind of a person who was in shock.

"I didn't know what happened. All I knew is that one minute the building was fine and the next it was on fire and the enemy was gone. You threw me out remember? If the other one blew up-"

"Then it's logical that this one will as well." Batman interrupted. "We need to get this thing out of the city before it-"

The cube started to make a low ringing noise that progressively got louder as the seconds went by. A slew of expletives fell from Sakura's tongue before she yelled, "Run!" But a loud boom drowned out her words and threw her backwards and into a wall. She hit her head and lost consciousness.

All Green Lantern heard before they were bombarded by a herd of aliens was, "For Darkseid!"

They were ugly bastards that had taken them all by surprise. Although he didn't know why. His gut had been telling him that something bad was about to happen. He should have listened to himself—maybe he could have done something. Grimly, Green Lantern looked around him and noted everyone fighting fiercely—except Kunoichi. He couldn't find her. He initially thought that it was because her form was so small, but somehow he knew that wasn't the case. He made a construct of a hammer and knocked several of the creatures out of the way. They flew backwards, but several more took their place.


He didn't receive a reply, but after his shout, he saw Batman swing by him with one of the aliens in a headlock. It was that movement that drew his attention to her. She had been captured and one of the aliens knocked a hole in a wall in order to escape with her. The fight spilled outside and GL took out quite a few of their unwanted visitors as he tried to reach Kunoichi before they took her away.

It flew Kunoichi up in the air and seconds later he took flight right after them. Her head had fallen forward and her chin rested against her chest. Her pastel colored tresses fell forward, obscuring her face from view. She was so still he wondered whether or not she was dead. However, what would aliens from presumably another planet want with a human corpse?

The answers that he came up with to that question didn't sit well with him.

"Kunoichi, wake up!"

He saw her head rise and her eyes open and slowly focus. He assumed she thereafter took stock of her situation as he got closer and closer, but somehow not close enough. Especially since every few seconds he had to fight off the creatures that were intent upon blocking his way.

She raised her head up and looked at the creature that held her captive. He saw her lips move, but couldn't hear what she said, but he figured it wasn't necessary that he know, since directly afterward she swung her feet forward and into the air propelling her body upward and landing a blow on the creature. It let out a loud cry and dropped her. He expected her to scream, but she didn't utter a sound. Could she fly? After several seconds she continued to fall, he assumed the answer to his unspoken question was a resounding 'no'. Green Lantern changed his assent into a descent and went after her free falling form.

He had to make it in time.

Ablaze:  A Sakura Haruno Crossover Fanfiction  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now