The Girl Who Received a Helping Hand

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Sakura soon heard the beating in the sky and she stiffened knowing that the very objects she had cast a genjutsu on earlier were in the sky in mass numbers. They were easily defeated before and she prepared herself to do the same once more. She raised her hands, but Batman grabbed her arm. She was about to wrench it away, but she didn't have to. He let her go of his own accord.

"Wait. Look."

Sakura brought her eyes back to the skies only to see that they weren't the ones being attacked. They were going after the kidnapping aliens. Sakura nodded her head glad they weren't alone any longer.

Previously at S.T.A.R. Labs

Silas Stone was in his lab, but that wasn't unusual. What was unusual was the fact that he was working on a different project. At least a dozen other scientists surrounded him. They were studying a box of metal of a type that he had never before seen. He had so many questions about it and its origin.

"Where did it come from?" Silas' question was answered by one of the newer scientists whose name he didn't know as yet.

"It was recovered from Superman's and his companion's battle this morning. Apparently, the creature had several of these boxes with him. We know for certain that one of them was destroyed." Silas frowned. Another Super human had revealed themselves and it was one that they knew nothing of. If they went by the company she kept she was probably benign, but they couldn't afford to take that sort of chance.

"Is the companion Kryptonian, Sarah?"

"Unlikely. She displays none of the abilities of the other female Kryptonian nor that of Superman. Her strengths lie elsewhere."

"Such as?"

"No data has come in yet except that her physical strength is phenomenal."

"Isn't that a Kryptonian trait?"

There was a bit of hesitation before Sarah replied, "Yes, Dr. Stone." They couldn't rule out that there was another Kryptonian among them then. They also couldn't rule out that if she was Kryptonian then the Superman could now probably reproduce with another of its kind. They had been fortunate that the other was a relative. Now it seemed that their luck had run out.

"And did this belong to them?"

"Not that we know of. It's actually hard to determine anything about the object including the metal that it's made of." He was aware of that, but he wasn't one to nitpick. "We have, on the other hand, picked up some sort of signal broadcasting from it. And there's a similar broadcast coming from Central City, Coast City, and Washington D.C."

Silas sighed. "And has anyone picked up the connection that those are all places of Super human activity?"

Before the question could be answered they were interrupted, "Dr. Stone?" Silas turned his head to the male addressing him. "Your son is here." Silas ran his hand over his face. His son. Victor. His face flashed before his eyes. People said the boy looked just like him, but every time he saw his face, he was reminded of his mother.

"Tell him I'm busy. I don't have time right now."

"But...he seemed pretty upset."

Of course he was and it probably had something to do with his idiotic football game. It typically always did. He had a feeling that he wasn't going to walk away easily.

"Send him up."

Victor hated Star Labs. It was a place that was cold and impersonal. It was almost as bad as being in a hospital. He hated that it also reflected his father's personality nowadays. He turned his head and watched Silas Stone approach him and immediately called out to him.


"Victor, I'm in the middle of something important right now."

"Something more important than your own son? You promised me you'd be there today. There were scouts there who wanted me. I could have had a full scholar-"

"Which you wouldn't need. I can pay for your education."

"That isn't the point."

"Then what is the point Victor? That you can run fast? That you can catch a ball? Open your eyes and take a look at the world around you. The world is changing into...I don't know what. There are super humans who are doing things that you would never dream of doing while running on your little field of dreams."

Victor felt as if he had been smacked in the face. In truth, he would have preferred it if his father had actually physically hit him because the pain would have gone away faster.

"You're never going to come to one of my games." It wasn't a question. It was a statement since he was well aware of the truth of the matter.

"No, I'm not."

Victor turned his back and began walking away for some foolish reason hoping against hope that his father would call him back. What he actually heard was something that would change his life forever.

"Dr. Stone? Something is happening!"

Victor turned and looked over his shoulder to see his father walking back toward his lab. The expression on the face of the person who was sent to retrieve him is what caught his attention. He looked panicked and scared. What could possibly scare the man in a laboratory? Before he knew it, he was taking one step after another following in his father's footsteps.

What he saw inside the lab his eyes couldn't make sense of. There was a box emitting flames and a loud ringing noise that hurt his ears and grew louder with each second.

What kind of project was his father working on?

"Dad, what is that?"

His father's head snapped around, obviously not realizing that he had chosen to follow him. The naked fear on his face made Victor take a hesitant step back.

"Everyone get out!" When Victor didn't move his father shouted, "Victor leave now!"

But it was too late.

The last thing Victor heard was his father screaming his name.

Ablaze:  A Sakura Haruno Crossover Fanfiction  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now