The Girl Who Was Found By A Cyborg Eye

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They tracked him through the city. It almost seemed like he was walking about aimlessly destroying things just because they happened to be there. He didn't notice them, or at least if he did he was ignoring them.

Hal was ready to act so he exchanged a glance with Barry and nodded his head letting him know he was going in. Barry darted away letting the others know that they should be on their guard and back him up as soon as possible.

Hal made a large chainsaw and attacked the back of Darkseid's head because beheading him seemed just as good as blinding him and a part of him still slightly believed that he could take care of the situation on his own. However, his actions were futile and only drew Darkseid's attention to him which was fine as that had been the original intention in the first place.

As Darkseid turned to face Hal, Flash rushed in with a piece of debris and attempted to take out his knees with the force of his blow and sheer speed. It didn't work.

Darkseid growled and would have attacked Barry as he was in close proximity, but Wonder Woman managed to get her lasso around his neck and hauled him backward. He only moved a few steps, but it was enough to give Barry time to move out of the way and the Cyborg a chance to fire his cannon at his chest. He blinked as if Cyborg had just attempted to tickle him and failed miserably. His countenance darkened, but he didn't go after Cyborg as the lasso around his neck was tugged ferociously.

"Speak Darkseid! Why are you here?"


Darkseid's answer was cut off when Aquaman chose to stab his trident into Darkseid's chest, but Wonder Woman would have her answers.

"I said speak! The lasso of truth compels you. Why have you come to this world?"

His voice was enough to raise hairs on the Lantern's arm because it was so dark and sadsitic. "For her." Darkseid swung at Aquaman knocking him backward and then began to pull and Wonder Woman's rope in an attempt to free himself.

"Her who?" Flash inquired, but they didn't get an answer to his question as Darkseid freed himself from Aquaman's trident and tossed it away then swung his fist at Wonder Woman in an attempt to get her to loosen her hold on her lasso not knowing that Wonder Woman would rather take the punch than to let go and not get the answers she sought.

"Tell us where Superman is!"

Warning: Temperature Threshold Approaching.

Flash, upon hearing the words come from the computer part of Cyborg said, "That doesn't sound good."

"The computer inside of me is picking up data transmitting from Darkseid to those metal cubes."

"So wait, what does that mean?"

Connecting to Network.

The Flash's eyes widened. "Can you hack his system?" Flash watched as Cyborg's eye began to glow.

"I don't know. I do know that they call them Mother Boxes. They create a network of portals they call boom tubes. I can see through them. I can see worlds like ours burning endlessly. And I can see Batman...and Kunoichi."

Wonder Woman was angry at herself. She let a single punch loosen her grip on her lasso and now Darkseid's guard was up. He wasn't going to let her get her rope around him again. They would not get the answers they sought.

"Come on Giant! I'm getting bored. Give me the answers I seek or I can make this fight endless."

"I grant you the answer since you'll die soon anyway. Your Superman is now my creature just as this world is now mine." Darkseid then shot is Omega beams at Wonder Woman who raised her bracelets, made from the remains of Athena's shield, and blocked his attack.

"Too many people believe that. The world belongs to no one and everyone."

Wonder Woman then took her sword from her side and flew through the air, charged Darkseid and stabbed him in the eye with a mightier war cry than, 'we got this'.

"One down!" Wonder Woman wanted to pull her sword out of his eye but thought twice about it. If she left it would it inflict more damage than her pulling it out? How fast would he heal from an injury? It was information she didn't have so she quickly moved out of range before he could recover from the blow she had delivered and grab her.

She turned her head when she heard the Aquaman say, "One to go!" She had just enough time to see that he had recovered his trident and had stabbed the other eye and yet their foe was still standing. This was indeed a mighty warrior.

Green Lantern stared at Darkseid incredulously. He couldn't believe it. He had taken a sword and a trident to the eyes and he was still standing. So he asked the question that they needed to come up with an answer to quickly.

"What else can we do? How do we end this?"

Cyborg answered. "We can send him home."

Wonder Woman who had rejoined them asked, "How do we do that?"

"Those mother boxes can open a gateway to the world they come from." Green Lantern glanced at Cyborg whose cybernetic eye began to glow ominously. It unnerved Green Lantern a bit but as long as they won he could live with it. "I just have to connect with them somehow and speak their language."

Hal didn't understand. He was certain mere seconds before he was talking about inanimate objects. As far as he knew inanimate objects didn't speak at all. So he inquired, "What language is that?"

Cyborg replied with a straight face. "Ping."

Hal waited a little while for the kid to tell them he was joking but no such thing was forthcoming. "Seriously?" Hal questioned but Cyborg ignored him and focused on what he was doing.

Several loud booms resounded and what appeared to be portals opened in the sky and began sucking Darkseid's minions into them. "Whatever you're doing kid, keep doing it!'

Darkseid then fell to one knee and yanked the sword and trident out of his eye. Seconds later a portal appeared behind him.

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