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My Guardian Angel

Ships: Hiccstrid

Rated: K+

Author's Note (21st August 2022): It seems that I come back to writing this story ever month. Truth be told I have a basic idea of what will happen in this story, I just need to write it. Life's making me forget about this story and turn my attention to more things, like my mid-term exams coming up in the early days of September. I'm going to try and actually get some work done on this story, I want to finish it and finally be satisfied with what I've written. Now enough of this, let's get started.  

Chapter 5

Fresh layers of white snow lay upon the roads of Berk, a sign of another cold winter setting itself over the land. It was a reminder of another thing which was the impending celebrations for Snoggletog. Snoggletog was an age-old tradition dating back all the way to the Viking era. A celebration of giving gifts to each other and spending time with those you care about. Airports were cramped with people trying to return home to their families for Snoggletog and decorations going out-of-stock.

Night had surrounded the people of Berk, the only light being the full moon. Homes were lit up with festive lights and decorations for the following week's Snoggletog celebrations. Infront of one house were dazzling multi-coloured lights with a small snowman at the front of it. Inside was not the usual happy family but a group of agents sitting at the table playing cards, beer in hand and freshly lit cigarettes in their mouths. Upstairs in a room sat a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her thoughts were not on the festivities on Snoggletog, but on a boy. His auburn hair and forest green eyes invading her every thought. Astrid the book she was trying to read in frustration.

Who could be trying to kill Hiccup? How do they know who he really is? How do I find him? Why would they try killing such a sweet person....... God his hair and his eyes and his everything are just amazing. Wait what am I saying? My job is to protect him, not fall for him!

Astrid lay down on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. A concoction of emotions filled her heart. Confusion, frustration, determination and worry in her would turn into admiration, love and joy every time she thought of Hiccup. She slowly slipped into the deep slumber of dreams, filled with her and Hiccup........


Hiccup could hear the shuffling of the guard's downstairs. He had just finished his homework and was now laying on his bed with his headphones on. He had found himself drowning in music ever since he came to Berk, maybe to deal with this chaos known as his life, or with the ocean of emotions inside of him. Sometimes at night he just wouldn't be able to sleep due to his thoughts. He began thinking again of his life, everything from his childhood days, his late mother, his father and now his new life on Berk. Ever since he had come to Berk it was like he had managed to find a part of himself he didn't even know was missing. He now had friends, proper friends. He was normal. The pressure of being 'The President's son' was no longer a burden he had to carry. He could finally do whatever he wanted to. Then there was Astrid. A sense of happiness and love washed over him when he pictures her in his mind. Her nice silky blonde hair, her ocean blue eyes and then the rest of her body. There was just something about her that drew him to her. Maybe it was her sense of humour or her hardened spirit. She was something he had never expected to find on Berk. Wild fantasies began to form in his mind as he too fell asleep.......


He brushed his hair out of his face and faced his attention to the problem presented to him. His recent attempt of poisoning Hiccup's drink had failed. Questions started forming in his mind.

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