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My Guardian Angel

Ships: Hiccstrid

Rated: K+

Author's Note (27th January 2023): Hello there! Hope you all are having a wonderful day/night depending on where you are right now. Last chapter took 4 months to finish so I'm gonna make sure that this chapter is finished is lesser amount of time. I just want to say in advance that my exams are coming up so this chapter will take some amount of time to finish but it won't be very long. Anyways let's get to it. 

Chapter 6 

Hiccup felt time had stood still, refusing to move. He hated gloomy weather. The grey clouds and the light rain that always came with it. Whenever the gloomy weather came it meant he couldn't play outside anymore with his dragon toys and had to sit inside and wait for the rain to pass. Yet this time was different. Out of all the times it could have come, it had decided to come right at that moment, as if making fun of his new situation. The words of the priest had zoned out of his mind, only the pitter-patter of the rain in the cemetery filled his mind. It was their turn now. Hiccup, along with his father, stepped forwards to the casket. His mother's photo had been placed on the side, how he missed sleeping in her arms, her bedtime songs and the love he had now lost. Hiccup threw a flower at the casket which lay 6 feet into the ground. He walked over to the side while his father also threw one. Hiccup was having a hard time processing what was going on around him. In just the span of a couple days his life went from one full of joy to one completely void of it. He also didn't know if it was just the water of the rain or if his father really was crying. He couldn't imagine his father crying, his strong spirit and tough mind.  

"W-We'll get through this son." He said in a low tone as he took Hiccup's small hand into his large, beefy one. One-by-one everyone gave their respects and in the blink of an eye the crowd slowly became thinner. Soon everyone had left the only living in the cemetery was Hiccup and his father.

That day a new gravestone was added, another soul in the halls of Valhalla....

Hiccup woke up in a cold sweat. He was back in his current body, the memory of his mother's grave still fresh in his mind. He lay back down and stared at the ceiling. The gloomy weather outside didn't help. Just like 13 years' back, it had once again come to crack another joke at him...... 


It had been some of the best four month's Hiccup had ever experienced. Four months after his amazing night with Amy. Toothless had nothing else to do except ship both of them constantly. Despite it being annoying from time to time, Toothless knew his limits. By around the first week everyone knew about them. Yet it wasn't the main news that was going around. Over the past four months the Nation of Untied Islands had been launching devastating blows against the terrorist organization which had decided to target them. Rumours were being spread that soon the main masterminds behind all the attacks would be arrested and then executed. The war was finally coming to an end. Most people would have been happy that a war on this scale was finally ending, but Hiccup wasn't happy. Every time someone brought up the apparent 'end of the war' Hiccup felt as if another weight had been added into his chest, dragging him down more. The end of the war could only mean one thing, that he would be going back to his old life in the big white house. That also meant he would have to leave Amy. Just thinking of it made him feel so much pain on the inside, the same pain he felt when his mother died. He didn't want to leave Amy. For the first time in a very long time, he'd actually felt happy in his life. The White House, despite being very big, didn't have any room for having friends come over occasionally. Inside the walls of the place, was just sadness and depression. The lonely corridors and the lifeless rooms were the only things there. His father was always busy and the real friend he had was Gobber, the family chauffeur.

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