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TW:panic attacks,smoking,cursing and issues

Pls read what i said in the comments

Robin woke up late he didn't know where anyone was he went to the kitchen Vance was at the counter he was texting someone probably Bruce,Billy was laying on the ground he seemed high but also dead but that was Billy for you "someone's finally awake" a voice spoke Vance looked up from his phone he still had that stupid smirk on his face billy sat up and yesh he looked like a mess did he not sleep what happened "you look like shit" robin spoke not realizing of what he said "thanks dipshit" Billy said rolling his eyes and getting up heading to the fridge "we're meeting them up at 4" Vance spoke "who?" Billy muffled out with a pale in his mouth "your boyfriend and his friends" Vance said messing with him Billy flushed red "fuck you" Billy said smacking the back of Vances head "be ready and dress nice asshole" Vance yelled billy wasn't having it and just flicked him off

Robin made his way to the fridge he also wanted something to eat but he knew there wasn't really anything in the fridge 'great' Robin thought "hey Vance-" "not now I'm talking to Bruce" Vance said waving him off robin didn't even care he walked off into the boys shared bedroom "hey Billy,Finn wanted me to give this to you" robin said throwing him a slip of paper "what is it" he said "I don't know".Robin actually didn't know but he had a hunch of what it was Billy slowly opened the slip of paper his face soon lit up in bright red.robin walked in to the bathroom when he heard a thump he snickered,he got ready and walked out Billy was on the ground still a mess but happy and Vance was still on the phone. "Im going out,don't make a mess like last time" Robin said grabbing the keys and walking out "FUCK YO-" Robin slammed the door before the angered boy could finish his sentence "fuck him too" Robin whispered to himself he knew he shouldn't have left those two alone especially since their last tour but it's fine,they'll be fine...hopefully

Robin walked into the store and immediately forgot what he was there for


Robin:what do we need

Paperboy:therapy,your mom,and food

Author:Lmao no this is a joke lol I got bored

Robin:what do we need


Robin:what do we need in the fridge dipshit

Paperboy:oh milk water and food

Robin:what's with you and milk yeah whatever

Paperboy: fuck you and be back by 2:30 or 3
Read at 1:30

Robin shut off his phone none of the boys leaving in that apartment knew what they needed he wondered the store for a good 25 minutes and finally found stuff he needed along with a few other stuff he checked out and headed home the only hard part was finding out what he was going to wear by the time he reached the apartment it was 2:15.He grabbed the stuff and shut the door of the car he really hated going out to get stuff but he really was the only one who would do it.he unlocked the door to the apartment it was quiet why was it quiet??

" VANCE GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE"  Robin yelled.nothing.he didn't know if this was good or bad he ran to the boys bedroom Billy was laying in bed facing the wall his breathing was weird 'oh no' Robin realized what had probably happened "billy?" He finally spoke the "sleeping" boy quickly sat up scared "o-oh Robin" the boy said his voice cracking Robin stared at the puff red eyed boy "what happened?" Robin finally asked pulling out a soda bottle handing it to billy.billy slowly took it he was shaky "w-what always happens" he says taking a sip Robin slumps down on the ground "does Vance know?" Robin says looking up at the sealing billy went silent Robin just hummed "you know I'm always here right?you can always talk to me about well him" Robin says billy liked at him and gave a small smile "yeah I do" Robin talked to him for a little longer he knew the boy needed someone there for him at the moment see he waited till he was better

"Is it fine if I go check on Vance?"The brown haired boy finally said before getting up billy stared at the room across for a little and nodded Robin smiled he walked over to the loud and tempered boys room



"WhAt DO YOU WANT" the boy in the room yelled Robin just smiled pulled out a pack of cigarettes and walked in closing the door behind him he threw the pack at the boy sitting up on his bed "you know you scared him" Robin said taking a seat on the ground the blonde boy was just quiet he took out a cigarette and lit it taking in a puff of smoke "is he ok?.." Vance says not making eye contact "he will be,are you?" Robin reply's continuing to stare at the boy "why the hell after everything he fucking did the bastard still has the audacity to contact him and say something" Vance says all most sounding like a growl "but you took it out on him" Robin says he knew he was being petty but he hated when his friends argued Vance just sat there silent "how do I apologize I said some fucked up shit" the blonde boy said "that is up to you,I can't help with that but if I were you I'd get what your thinking out of my head" Robin said walking to the door "thanks Robin.."the loud boy said "anytime.." robin replied smiling before walking out "how is he" billy asks "he'll be fine" Robin said "now come on let's go put the stuff up they're probably hot" Robin says walking to the bags on the ground

Bzzz Bzzzzz

Robin looked down at his phone it's Finn

Finn:hey Robin? It's gwenny.I think we might cancel the plans today sorry something came up but I hope y'all are doing ok bye

Robin:no no,it's completely fine I was just about to text Finn too you guys can go ahead and take care of whatever you need.we'll just reschedule,bye

Robin shut off his phone he was relieved that the plans were canceled but he also worried for the 5 "who was it?" Billy said closing the fridge "it was Gwenny,the plans were canceled" Robin said "oh." Was all billy said

After a while the two boys just sat there at the living room watching movies the tempered soon coming out of his room giving his apology to billy,it wasn't the first or last and the boys knew that this had happened already we'll ever since they were 15.after a little the boys ended up falling asleep on the couch

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