
848 20 3

TW:cursing,crying,embarrassment,arguing, smoking,


"WHYD YOU HANG UP" robin shouts "BECAUSE THIs IS NONSENSE" the man shouts the two blonde boys stand there they want to say something or help but they don't know how after robin and the man stop fighting the man turns to the boys "and for you two you better watch it" the man says adjusting his coat the two boys just nod the man starts walking to the door but stops and turns to face the boys "we leave at 8 tomorrow and when we get to the next area you will be staying with Mila and Jeff " "they will follow you wherever you go and you will NOT wonder off again" the man says turning around and slamming the door. "Robin-" billy tried to say but Vance stopped him he knew the boy just needed time and that's what they gave him. Robin walked into his shared room and started punching the wall making a dent he knew he couldn't keep doing this because then they would have to pay for it.robin dragged himself to his bed immediately falling on it and closing his eyes he hated that man he moved around on his bed till he was comfortable he felt something in his pocket what was it?The photos from earlier in the photo booth his anger slowly started to ease as he looked at the photos he was going to miss this they all were

After the hang up finney and the other were in utter shock the group thought Robin liked finney it was clear he did why did he hang up? Was he in disbelief?was he embarrassed?was he scared why did he hang up?everyone thought well except for Finn in Finns mind so many things raced in it like 'why was I stupid to believe he liked me' 'was it all just a joke' finney sat there in utter shock and sadness he didn't know what to say or how to react. "F-finney I'm so s-sorry I didn't k-" Donna tried saying finney just fell back on his back and flipped on his side "I'm going to sleep now I'll talk to you guys in the morning" he says curling into a ball the others sit there for a little before one by one getting out staying goodnight Bruce and billy were the last ones to leave of course billy apologized to Finn and tried to give him a hug and wished him a good night "I'm sorry finney we truly did think he liked you i think you should talk to him tomorrow" bruce says getting up and heading to finns bedroom door "goodnight Finn" he said closing the door behind him Finn had listened to what everyone said slowly crying to himself 'I'm so fucking stupid why did I think he liked me back' the crying boy thought.Behind the door the other 4 listened as their friend cried they truly did feel bad for him but they knew they should give him his space and time along with stop standing by the door like creeps.

When morning came the 3 boys dreaded it they didn't want to leave they enjoyed Denver Robin missed denver but it was already to late to run off or persuade their manager because he was already set and by the time they knew it they were already leaving and of course Mila and Jeff were with them like the man said they would be. When the bus finally got out of denver the trip began,god were the boys going to miss this city. they were going to miss the places,the parks,the people.. the people..Finn,Bruce and griffin oh and Donna and Gwenny of course. after sitting and looking through the window for a little robin started rummaging through his bag looking for something after finally finding what he was looking for he went to the back of the bus where the boys small rooms were he cut a small strained of tape and stuck a photo to his window he backed up and smiled his window was almost full of photos some of them were photo's from California of him and the two boys some were robin and his mom and some were him and his old friend group. His two favorites were probably the one of him and his old friend group at the airport before robin left and his second favorite was the one from last night

Robin soon started to fill drowsy and ended climbing into his bed passing out nothing came to mind his worries and anger was gone the only thing in his mind was Finn..Finn,he couldn't even respond to him because he was scared to soon the feeling he had last night came back

Finney woke up late it wasn't usual of him but he did he could hear chattering in the living room he didn't care he stayed in bed facing the wall his phone still on his night Stan he didn't care to check it why would he need to.Finney laid in bed for a little occasionally hearing footsteps shuffling around after a little longer of laying around Finn got up and went to the kitchen he couldn't feel the groups eyes on him when he walked down the stairs and opened the fridge "Morning Finn Howd you sleep?" Finally one of the 4 spoke up.Finney didn't want to answer he didn't want to remember all he thought of was when Robin hung up and his thoughts overfilling "fine." Finn replied closing the fridge and heading back into his room the group of 4 exchanged a worried glance as they heard the door shut.

Once finney settled back in his bed he went back to his trail of thought after a little of laying there he finally got up and sat at his desk he decided to distract himself he ended up putting in his earbuds and pain he ended painting for a while and after a little he did forget but the feeling wasn't gone around half way through his painting Bruce and griffin decided to head home.They said they're goodbyes and left.Finn finished his painting around 2 he laid back in his bed he thought of texting the others but he didn't want to because of how he acted earlier,he opened his phone.nothing.nobody was on nobody had said anything in the gc just plain old text.finney thought of saying sorry in the gc but thought it was a stupid idea.

He ended up typing out an apology before Bruce came blowing up the gc




Gay boy:why do we still have these names😭😭



Sis❤️:anyways continue

Bubbles:can we just get onto what Bruce wanted to tell us

Donna:) :lol you're ignoring your name again

Bubbles:stfu go talk to your gf

Gay boy:🤭

Sis❤️ : I could beat your ass


Mama😋:can someone just tell me what was supposed to be said already


Donna:) :FINNEY


Gay boy:YES

Gay boy:anyways


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