Chapter 2

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As I was strolling to school the thought of my dream from last night popped into my head. I had always had a bit of a crush on Graham ever since I first met him in the beginning of high school. I just found him so sweet and not to mention attractive his cute glasses and messy brunette hair, even the way he dressed was adorable.

After what felt like a longer walk than usual I finally arrived at school. I checked my watch, it read 8:23am meaning I still had time to get my shit together before class started.

As I reached my locker to grab a few text books for first period English I felt a large hand pat my back, I turned around to be greeted with Alex.

"Mate, you look really tired today." He calmly stated while patting my back a few more times in an attempt to get me out of my sleepy state.

"Yeah, I had a weird dream last night and then I woke up late so I had to rush out the door."

I stared at his long brown hair covering almost half his face.

"But It's not even that late, you're literally on time."

I stopped eyeing his hair to look him in the eyes.

"Yeah but you know what my Mums like, she'll start to worry even if I'm only a few minutes late."

I grabbed my text book, shoved it in my bag and closed the metal locker door.

Alex and I shared the same english class so we made our way down the hall to classroom G6 where it was held. We took our seats next to each other in the almost empty classroom, surprisingly we still had another couple minutes before class started.

"So, what was that weird dream you said you had about?"

I turned to Alex slightly red faced. He noticed this and smirk grew on his face.

"Was it about someone?"

My eyes wandered the classroom, avoiding eye contact with him.


Before we could continue with our conversation the bell rang and students began pouring into the classroom as the first lesson of the day took place, most likely saving me from major embarrassment.

I felt like writing again today so I present you with chapter 2! Sorry the chapters are pretty short but I'll make sure to try and make them a little longer. Thanks for reading! :D

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