Prologue ❀

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"Young Mistress! Young Mistress! Please come back here!" the maids shouted at the youth running away from them.

"I am in no way taking those classes again! I better stay like this!" shouted the girl running away from the maids.

She suddenly ceased to a stop, her braid loose and her hairpins holding on for their dear lives. She put her hands on her hips and turned to the maids, a frown on her face.

"And how many times do I have to tell you this? Just call me 'Mae-In'... not 'Young Mistress'! This is the last time I am warning all of you."

"But Young Mistressㅡ"

She started running again, and the maids could not catch up to her. She hid behind a pillar and peeked around the corner.

Jung Mae-In, the nineteen-year-old troublemaker skipped her lesson on 'How-to-be-a-perfect-woman'.
Or that's what they call it.

She despises the lesson. She thinks that they are stupid and no woman is perfect or needs to be.

But is it true?
Her mother doesn't think so.

"Oh... I better hurry up and run out before I get caught by Motherㅡ" she whispered.

"And why is that?"

The voice surely startled her but she felt relieved that it was not someone else.

"Father! Mother is forcing me to take those stupid classes again. Why don't you tell her anything?" she said, stomping her feet on the ground aggressively.

"Well, my dear... you know your Mother very well..." her father said, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"I would end up on the streets if I do tell her that."

"But she never runs after Kyu-Jin and Yeon-Soo when they skip their classes!" she continued to protest.

"Well, I guess because they already are the type of woman your mother wants you to be."


"Fine I'll tell her once but I have to go now Mae-In... I have to go to the Palace. "
"The Palace? Again?" she said, a little irritated with him.

She didn't like her father leaving for the capital almost every day. She and her family got to spend very little time with him nowadays.

"Yes, dear, I have to... Minister Woo is quite busy with all the chaos going on for the Crown Prince's marriage and I have to look after one-third of Minister Woo's work," her father said, sighing.

Minister Woo was one of the ministers in the King's court and knew her father very well.

Her father, Jung Dong-Won was a scholar and a businessman, continuing their family's clothing business. Years ago, he couldn't ace the Civil Service examination and thus couldn't become a scholar of the Court.

"They aren't over with the Selection Process?" Mae-In asked her father.

"Yes, but the King, His Majesty, is probably planning something else..." Jung Dong-Won trailed off warily.

"If you are going anyways, can you please bring me back something?" she requested.

"Like what?"

"Like a gift? From that popular market? A surprise gift!" her eyes shone.


Through the hallways, came her mother's shout which made her backbone freeze.

"Oh goodness... You should hurry up and hide I guess," said her father.

"Father, I will be out for a while, I'll come back safely, don't worry!" she said to her father before hurrying towards the stable where the horses were kept.

"Stay safe!" her father called out.

She went up to her only petㅡ her horse, Ji-Su, her brother's horseㅡ Mi-Lan's baby. Almost five years ago when Mi-Lan gave birth to Ji-Su, everyone decided to sell her but Mae-In, having no pets since childhood insisted on keeping her. Now, Ji-Su was something of a companion to her who took her to the places she desired to go.

"Come on Ji-Su! Hurry up!" she said, getting up on her.

Ji-Su let out a cheery neigh and started running at lightning speed and both of them raced out of the Jung household.

This is Jung Mae-In. A nineteen-year-old noble lady. She loves freedom. She loves making mischief and causing trouble. She loves her fatherㅡ Mister Jung Dong-Won, her elder brother Jung Hoon-Su and her horse, Ji-Suㅡ because they never lecture her. She hates her mother Han Yoo-Ji and her sisters Jung Kyu-Jin and Jung Yeon-Sooㅡ because they always lecture her.

But despite that, they all meant everything to her. They were, after all, her family.

She, as a free soul, loved living in the moment and never dreaded whatever the future held. She never listened to idle gossip about her or anyone.

However, she didn't see the upcoming events coming, the events which surely turned her life upside-down.

However, she didn't see the upcoming events coming, the events which surely turned her life upside-down

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