Chapter 3

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"You lied to me!" Angel yelled, shoving Alastor away from him, he was furious.

Alastor stumbled backwards, staring at Angel, unable to say anything.

"Just to get back with that other woman" Angel's voice cracked as he spoke, he crossed his arms, turning his head away from Alastor.

"Don't you understand? You're the other woman. Or man, rather" Alastor argued.

"No!" Angel yelled. "You're married to me! She's the other woman!" he began to cry.

Alastor felt bad for making Angel cry, he bit his lip, looking toward Lucifer, who cleared his throat.

"He does have a point"

Angel continued to softly cry, trying to wipe at his tears with his wedding dress.

"And I thought... I thought this was all going so well!" he cried, the red and black eye popping from its socket and rolling across the floor, gently hitting Alastor's shoe.

He bent down and picked it up, he sighed softly and wiped it against his shirt sleeve. "Angel..." he walked up to Angel and held out the eye.

"I'm sorry, but... This just can't work"

Angel sniffled softly, looking toward Alastor. "Why not?" he snatched his eye from Alastor's hand.

"It's my eye, isn't it?" he asked softly

"No. I think your eye is... Lovely" Alastor turned away from Angel and took a deep breath.

"Listen, under different circumstances, well, who knows? But we're just too different. I mean, you're dead"

"You should've thought about that before you asked me to marry you" Angel looked down sadly.

"Why can't you understand it was a mistake? I would never marry you" Alastor's words came out harshly, more than he intended.

Angel sighed sadly and looked down, walking away from Alastor.

Alastor felt bad for his words, he stayed in place and watched as Angel walked away, he sighed softly, unsure of what to do.

Angel tossed his veil aside and sat down, plucking a wilted rose from his wedding bouquet.

"Roses for eternal love, lillies for sweetness, baby's breath" he sighed and tossed the flowers to the ground.

Charlie came and sat beside him. "Why so blue?" she asked with a small frown.

"What if he's right? What if we are too different?" Angel asked softly, looking at the ground.

"Maybe he should have his head examined" Cherri said

Angel sighed and tugged her from his ear.

"I could do it" Cherri suggested with a grin.

Angel rolled his eyes. "Or maybe he does belong with her. Little Miss Living. With her rosy cheeks and beating heart"

"Oh, Angel. Those girls are ten a penny. You've got so much more" Charlie smiled sweetly and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Like what?" he asked, leaning his chin against his hand.

"Well, you have a wonderful personality"

Angel shook his head and looked away from her.

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