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|The following day|

I felt something hit my head, I raised my hand to smash onto the pillow. Making it stop. I groaned, "Wake the fuck up mate!" A male's voice said,

"It's still early." I mumbled placing my forearm across my eyes.

"Fuck you and your early. We have been looking for you all morning!"

"Todd, no man relax." Everret said.

I opened my eyes, the room was bright unlike my own. I adjusted my eyes to the surroundings. My vision is such a blur. I sat up, there comes the hangover headache that just hit me.

A cold breeze passed by my skin,leaving it to look like chicken skin. I realized I wasn't wearing a shirt but only a bra and my Jean's.

"Man ya' fucked in Sergeants room." Everret sighed as I got off the bed.

"I did not sleep with anyone." I stretched myself, my back hurt as if I received 100 lashes. Do not ask me how I would know that.

"Does not explain the marks and hickies." Todd said, I nearly snapped my neck, slightly squinting my eyes and raised my eyebrows.

"I need to find my glasses before I believe you." I said, searching the room floor and there's nothing. I left the room, looking room to room. I was starting to get frustrated with myself.

I opened one door, to see a maiden sitting in the bed, casually scrolling through her phone. Wearing my cap, glasses and shirt. Her hair curly yet messy, melanin praised her. Long and Devine legs crossed over another.

"Good morning..." I greeted placing my hand over my arm. She looked at me with a smile, definitely the dentist's favorite.

"Bonjour beauté(Good morning handsome)" Her voice sounds so fluent, calming and a fruity tone.

"Complimented really but uhm, I think you have my belongings."

She placed her phone aside and got off the bed walking towards me. I slightly looked down there wasn't much of a height difference maybe she was 5'7?. She tiptoed running her hands over my chest to my shoulders.

"Oii you slept with Zariah? Damn lucky!" Everret said behind me.

"Are you actually serious??" I was genuinely surprised. Zariah gave me back my glasses which I wore gladly for my eyesight to return.

"You are a girl!?" She stepped back in a surprised manner.

"Come on, the hair, earrings? Voice–"

"–Your voice kinda deep for a female" Everret justified.

"Shut it and yes I am a female, i even have boobs."

"Please tell me you're over 18." She almost seemed to panick but she didn't or she just kept calm.

"I am 19 why would it matter?"

"Okay good, we can path our ways and pretend nothing ever happened, the sex was good no lie." Zariah said dismissively.

"Newbie got a hit before me??" Todd was definitely in disbelief.

"You can't just dismiss it like that. I don't even know wheater I had your consent or not?"

"You did, actually I convinced you." She sat on the bed.

"This is not how I pictured my first time." My voice was filtered with disappointment.

"I was your first huh?", she smiled, "You sure know how to please a woman." She blew me a kiss.

I left the house, walking in the chilly streets with no shirt. I heard footsteps behind me, "Do not be sad man, Zariah has always been like this."

"Ev, it's not normal. I do not see it as an accomplishment and thank you for finding me but I think I need time alone."


"Let her be bro..." Todd convinced.

I made it to the apartment I was residing in, Paxton and Kaes hugged me immediately after I walked in. I first stiffened up then I just melted, not hugging them back.

"We were so worried for you!" Paxton broke the hug.

"You even left your phone na! How were we supposed to get ahold of you?" Kaes said in concern, I sighed.

"I thought I wasn't going to stay long."

"But you are okay?" Kaes asked.

Truth is, I did not feel like myself. Almost sick, I didn't want to vomit or anything. I felt out of place, I cannot tell them..

"Hopefully after this maybe we can see each other...such a woman pleaser"

I shook the memory off and walked away without answering. I walked into my room and closed the door to see my phone on my bed. I just looked at my bed.

"I gave myself away.."

"No no, maybe I shouldn't see it like that."

"It was just a hook up. It won't happen again."

So I thought.

I made my way to my device to see texts and miss calls from Mistress Toussaint. I read through the texts briefly, they only spoke worry.

[I'm still alive hey..]

[Thank Goddess, I was worried when you didn't pitch for class.]

[Let's just say I had an eventful night. Ended up in a forest]

I smiled to myself trying to Lighten up the mood.

[I didn't see you as the nature kind,what? Were you playing Alpha and Luna?]

I broke into laughter.

[Humorous are we?. I don't feel so well, did I miss anything?]

[Me of course.]
[I am kidding, yeah quite important things. I'll send them.]

[Maybe I did miss you just a tiny bit. Alright Skat.]

I grabbed my towel from the towel pile and made my way to the bathroom to get freshened up.


I waited patiently in the kitchen which was opposite the coming in door. Days like make me feel like I am baby sitting a child.

The door opened, Zariah stumbled inside. Our eyes met. Her smile faded and hung up the phone, slowly closing the door.

"Why are you looking at me like that?ai-je tué quelqu'un?(did I kill someone?)" She asked. I sighed.

"When will you ever be responsible?je ne suis pas ta mère pour te chercher tous les jours(I am not your mother to be looking for you everyday)" I tried to maintain a calm tone but anger was getting to me.

"Geez then stop acting like her! We left Grenada to be free, that's what I am‐"

"-by sleeping with people Zariah?" I arched my eyebrow in confusion and crossed my arms.

"That's not the fucking point–"

"–Talk to me with some decent respect"

She huffed, "The point is having fun, look at you. You even have a boyfriend, I do not act the way you do."

"That's different", I defeated myself, "I am always here on time, I do not roam around like a lost sheep until dawn."

"Unless your boyfriend holds you hostage." She left the room, leaving me speechless.

The Toussaint twinsWhere stories live. Discover now