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|Keegan Bierman|
|An evening later|

"What do you mean you're not going to speak to her!?" Kaes yelled, "This is my boyfriend we're talking about here!"

"I know but there's no fucking way I'm going to talk to Alvira. She doesn't even want to see me."

"No Keegan, you're being fucking selfish right now!" Kaes snapped.

"Okay okay woah!" Avery stepped inbetween us, "You two need to break it up."

I huffed so did Kaes and we both glared at each other.

"Keegan. You are bigger than this, it's just a kiss. She probably feels disoriented." Avery tried to justify.

"She has been ignoring me!" I defended, to an extent I almost cried.

"Okay. I'll go with you. Kaes, stay here and think about life."

Avery dragged my arm, leading me out the door. She kept her arm interlocked with mine. We walked down the stairs and exited the dorm compound Block going to Block C.

"You will still get her back but right now we need our friend. He has been through a lot, besides are you not dating Zu?"

"It's more of a situationship, nothing big." I mumbled.

"So you have unresolved feelings for Alvira?" Avery asked besides me. I sighed.

"I don't know - maybe...it's just ugh!"

"We all see it Keg. Give her time...she's very special. I see how she sparks when she is with you..." Avery convinced.

"I don't want to talk about it."

We got to Block C. We took the elevator which landed to their floor. I took a deep breath and got to room 571.

"I'll wait here." Avery walked away to the waiting lounge.

Okay just knock.

I knocked on the door a couple of times and stepped back.

The door cracked open, "Hello - Keegan?" She looked surprised and shocked.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a frown.

"Can we talk? I know you do not want to see me right now but it is urgent."

"What seems to be the matter?"

"You are not mad at me?"

She squinted her eyes, "Why would I be mad?"

"You tell me, you have been so distant." I crossed my arms.

"I wish you knew why."

"You never told me why, but you're the one avoiding me." I raised my eyebrow.

"If you're here to make noise, please leave." She was about to slam the door which I stopped.

"Alvira." I whispered.

"Keegan..." She said in a similar whisper.

"Where is Everret?"

"Is that why you are here?"

"Yes, look can we solve our problems later? Kaes will slaughter me if I don't have an answer." I sighed.

"You are actually so sweet." She gave a weak smile.

"Whatever. I know he is your best friend - just...please."

She leaned against the door frame and twirled one of her hair strands.

"He went back to Cameroon." She shrugged.

"What? Why!?"

"Why should I tell you?" She sassed.

"Alvira for fu–" I composed myself, "Please just be honest with yourself right now. We are not losing our friendship over a kiss. We both know it meant something."

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM KEEGAN!" She snapped then sniffled, "I'm sorry...I - I just don't know Kegs. There's too much going on for me...besides you're dating my sister so?"

"Girl?" Zariah called out behind her.

"Are you two not?"

"No. Situationship, relationship duties but undefined status." Zariah gave in her two cents and walked by.


Alvira just sighed, "We'll deal with this after finding Everret."

"I owe you one." I thanked, looking at Avery giving her thumbs up.

"It's whatever. Let me grab my slippers real quick."

I celebrated and stepped back then Alvira came back out. We walked to the elevator.

"Alvira, darlin' " Avery greeted with a charming smile and they had a hug.

"Since when do you come this side?"

"Oh well. Romance roams around the air."

We took the elevator back down making it back to my block...

|The girls apartment|

I opened the door and let the two in first before myself. I closed the door.

"Thank heavens." Kaes praised and I just rolled my eyes.

"See? It was not so hard to put differences aside." Paxton teased.

"Hmm." Alvira and I hummed.

"Please tell me you know where he is." Kaes pleaded, I took a seat on the arm rest.

"I do. He came to me last week when his visa got finalized and told me that he is going back home." Alvira explained.


"Kaes. I don't - well I know but it is not-"

"Just be useful and tell me!" Kaes snapped.

"You will not raise your voice at Alvira, Kaes!" I warned and exhaled angrily.

"The tension needs to calm down in here." Avery said calmly.

"Thank you Keg and Ve. He went back to Cameroon family situation was getting worse so he decided to leave."

"And he did not tell me?"

I scoffed, "With the way you're acting? I wouldn't tell you too."

"Don't test me." Kaes glared at me.

Paxton clapped her hands, "Looks like we're going to central Africa."

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