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|Two months later|
|Keegan Bierman|

We were sitting at the Campus Café. Waiting for our orders, my roommates and I became very close friends in a short span of time.

"He literally wanted me to write an essay about my art work, ah ah if I am doing essays in art then might as well study English." Kaes said unhappily causing us to giggle.

"I told you so but no,you decided to spend the night at Everett's." Paxton pointed out.

"You are dating Everett??" I widened my eyes in surprise.

"I hear my name in the conversation." Everret said in a short distance coming to our table.

"Probably that's what your elephant ears are useful for." Kaes smiled at him, "Yes we have been dating, Keegan. I think for the past three years?"

Everret and Kaes had their small moment of love. Leaving Paxton and I to humble down. Everret joined us and our orders arrived. I took a slurp of my chocolate milkshake. When last, my taste buds feel almost foreign.

"So Kegs, has any caught your eye?" Paxton asked besides me.

"Oh no...I've only been here for two months– I doubt really."

"You're not in touch with Zariah?" Everett asked, well fuck you and your big mouth.

"Zariah??" The girls rephrased in awe.

"Well thank you Everret." A hit of sarcasm left my tongue, "We slept together at the new block party..." I let out in almost a whisper.

"Woah wait wait— as in Zariah Too–"

"—ah there's the girl!" Everret pointed out the window, everyone snapped their necks. Including myself.

There Mistress Toussaint, walking confidently and in pride as always. Her posture up right and had a fixed sense of direction. She had her braids in piggie tails yet the tips were curly. Yes I gave back her glasses, she's wearing them now. Wearing a black turtle neck , tucked in her blue bag-ish jeans and her white sneakers. She's literally so gorgeous.

"Alvira is so beautiful man." Kaes complimented.

"Wait what's her name?" I asked confusingly, I must have missed the first part.

"You both nearly attend the same classes and you don't know her name?" Everett laughed.

I pursed my lips, composing myself.

"Alvira...it is a gorgeous name."

"It is..." I had a glance out the window to have one more look.

|Alvira Toussaint|

I reached the park, I caught my breath suddenly my eyesight was taken away. I felt uptight and tense at his touch. I knew I had to relax, I smiled a little. Just for my own sake.

"Think I wouldn't know those rough hands by now?"

He laughed and removed his hands, adjusting my glasses. A cute picnic set up was infront of me, bouquet of roses. He knows I hate roses but let me not be a spoiler. Boxes of chocolates and a picnic basket.

"Aww, you did this for me?" I smiled at him and hugged him.

"Yeah baby, I just want to apologize. I promise to be better...it's just, I'm finding myself and I shouldn't be doing you so down low. Just give me some time and I'll be better." He looked apologetic and I gave in, giving him a kiss.

The Toussaint twinsWhere stories live. Discover now