Getting Shot

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Sherlock's POV

I smelled a familiar perfume.
"Why do I know it?" I said aloud.

John and I were in Magnussen's place, and I had realized that the man was still here, though he should have been at dinner.

"Mary wears it," John replied to my question, although I was talking more to myself.

"No, not Mary, somebody else," I said, looking around the room.

I heard John say, "Sherlock!" as I ran out of the room.

Magnussen was speaking. "Coming here? What...What would your husband think? He...Your lovely husband. He's honorable."

I peeked around the corner as Magnussen continued, "What would he say to you now?" I heard a gun being cocked and saw a woman holding a gun to Magnussen's head. Her back was to me.

"You're doing this to protect him from the truth?" Magnussen was still speaking, "What is this obsession here with honesty?"

I stepped out and said, "Additionally, if you're going to commit murder, you might consider changing your perfume, Lady Smallwood," although I still hadn't seen the woman's face.

"Sorry, who?" Magnussen asked me, "That's not Lady Smallwood, Mr. Holmes." I was confused, I had never been wrong before.

The woman turned around and I saw that it was Mary, John's wife. All my memories of her flashed through my mind, ending with the word "Liar" flashing in my vision.

Mary asked, "Is John with you?"

"He's, um..." I started to answer.

"Is John here?" she asked more urgently.

I replied, "He's downstairs." She nodded.

"What about Alebony?" Mary asked.

"She's not here, she's with Mycroft," was my answer. Mary nodded again.

Magnussen spoke up. "So, what do you do now?" He was talking to Mary. "Kill us both?"

I spoke to John's wife, "Mary, whatever he's got on you, let me help." I started going closer to her.

She ignored my words. "Oh, Sherlock, if you take one more step, I swear I will kill you."

I said calmly, "No Mrs. Watson, you won't." I took a step towards her.

She shot me.


I looked down at the wound in my chest, shocked, more than anything. Blood started spilling out.

Mary said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Sherlock. Truly I am."

I looked up and said, "Mary."

She turned around and aimed the gun towards Magnussen. An alarm started going off.

I was walking down a staircase.

I was back in Magnussen's place. Molly was there. "It's not like it is in the movies." Molly said. "There's not a great big spurt of blood and you go flying backwards."

Then Molly was in a lab, still talking. "The impact isn't spread over a wide area, it's tightly focused so there's little or no energy transfer." I noticed that she was walking around a body that was covered with a sheet. She pulled back the sheet and it was me. Suddenly Alebony was there too. She spoke, "You stay still and the bullet pushes through." I could see the bullet hole in my dead body's chest. Ale continued, "You're almost certainly going to die, so we need to focus!"

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