Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Weapons

Chapter Text

Aza Z.E.L Masters was wealthy because he sold weapons.

Aza Zachariah Erik Leon Masters was far from old blood. His family was from Modesto, and they were originally farmers on the edge of town. Aza took his time, waited, and then pounced when the local gangs moved in. Clever, dangerous, and cunning, he began selling them things they wanted. Guns, mostly. Big, ugly, and full of firepower.

Within six months of illegal trade at the tender age of 18, he had enough to pay off his parents farm. He didn't. He left, and got into the business with a fake ID and an award winning smile. His parents lost the farm, and died young. From all accounts, he didn't attend the funeral. He couldn't have, as he was in Beijing at the time.

By the time that he settled in Prosperity, Aza Masters was rich and comfortable enough to start a family. He married a woman named Lilith, who had their only child, Ruby. They kept to themselves, stayed away from the Winchester club, who eyed them with deep suspicion, and so when Lilith left it didn't cause much of a fuss. She was gone for four years, showing back up on Ruby's 16th birthday. The girl was a cheerleader at that point, dangerously popular, but when Lilith came back, things changed.


Ruby Masters' apartment was classified as an apartment in the same way the Versailles was classified as a nice country home. When your father was the local wealth, you could afford nice things.
Sam was buzzed into the apartment, and stepped into the marbled floor. The downtown of Prosperity was decent sized, and Ruby's apartment was in the richest district. A staircase spiraled up to the next floor, a sitting room on his left and a full kitchen full of stainless steel appliances to his right. Before him...the coat closet.

Ruby came down the stairs, distractedly talking on her phone as Sam looked around. Weapons decorated the walls, and he knew she could use everything from the small shuriken to the giant battle axe. That was the change that Lilith had brought. No more was her child the spoiled Daddy's girl that everyone thought she was, oh no. This girl was all danger, even if she did drive a very nice and paid off Mustang. Sam watched her, taking in the fluid motions of her arms, judging just how fast she'd be able to get to her weapons when he broke the news about the break up. He was still calculating his risks of impaling when Ruby snapped her fingers in front of his face.


"Hi," he said, startled. "Um."

"I think we should break up."

Well. That was unexpected.


She shrugged fluidly. "I'm getting bored. You're getting bored. You've got this whole grieving process thing going on, too, which really isn't doing anything for me. And the sex is great but you're one of those people who need feeling and whatever."

Sam's eyebrows rose. "Well. Okay then. Can't say I saw this coming, but hey, works for me. You still want to grab lunch or you got other plans?"

"I've got plans," she said with a shrug. "Lilith wants to go to the range."

Sam nodded, wincing in sympathy. Lilith was a terrifying shot, as she had demonstrated many times for them, and even Aza had a hard time besting her. For Ruby, it was even less fun going, because Lilith ruthlessly drilled her until she was shooting through almost the same hole every time. "Have fun with that."

"Yipee," she said dryly, grabbing her purse off the table. "Is the fantastically annoying Dean Winchester still bitching about me?"

"Only when he thinks I'm not listening," Sam said dryly. "Guess I can get him to shut up now." He leaned over and kissed her chastely. "See you, Ruby."

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