Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Beat the Devil's Tattoo

Chapter Text
He woke to the sound of water, and the clank of chain.

"Oh, good, you're awake."

The voice sounded far away, and female. Dean groaned, trying to move. His limbs didn't want to respond, and from what he could tell, he was only in his boxer briefs. The ground was cold and hard, chilling his skin.

"Stop trying, we gave you a nice little paralytic." The sound of heels came towards him, and he opened blurry eyes to see jet black pumps in front of him. "By now you're probably trying to figure out how what happened. The short story is, we had you kidnapped. Michael is a very accommodating man, when you get him talking. So lonely, so desperate for a friend. And very, very twisted. I don't know if you've noticed, but he pays special attention to you. I'm amazed he didn't try and take you when you were little. I've never seen such a controlled man, but then...he kept himself sated with your father. Did you know that? He talks about you with such longing."

Dean felt rage, white hot in his heart, and longed to reach out and throttle the woman. The pumps walked away, and there was the sound of chains again.

"I have to admit," Pumps called, "you are a pretty little bitch. Al is going to be pleased to get his hands on you. You're quite like your mother. Very pretty mouth, as I remember."

Dean tried to say something, to yell, but nothing came out.

"Oh, stop that." Pumps came back, and he was forced to stare at the black velvet. "Al will be here soon, we should get you strung up fast."

Chains, again, and he felt himself being dragged. His hands had apparently been shackled, and his legs as well. He wanted to fight, but all he could do was let himself be pulled around. He was pulled upright, his legs shackled to something, and his arms spread out before being chained down. Pumps was mumbling something he couldn't make out, even though he strained his ears.

There was a sharp jerk, and his head was pulled back by his hair. His eyes came a little more into focus, and they widened when he finally caught sight of Pumps.

Lilith Masters smiled at him. "Welcome back." She reached out, tightening something around his neck. "Oh, Al's going to love you. I'm the best sister ever."

She walked away, blonde curls perfectly in place, and Dean tried to look around. He was apparently in the Masters indoor pool, chained up to something like a cross near the door. He tried to get his body to move, but it wouldn't cooperate, his fingers barely managing to twitch. He kept at it, though, the adrenaline rush giving him energy, and could almost curl a finger on his right hand when he heard heavy steps coming down the stairs. He froze, staring apprehensively at the doors.

A man, tall and thin, stepped through. He smiled, and Dean felt fear like he never had before. Everything in him was screaming for him to run, to get away from whoever this was, because he was nothing but a predator and Dean was easy prey.

"So," the man said in a nasally voice, his smile broadening as he strolled towards him. "Youmust be Dean. I've heard so much about you." He stopped in front of him, and Dean wanted nothing more than to jerk away and flee. The man reached out, touching the exposed skin of his neck. "So good of Lily to collar you for me," he murmured. "That saves time."

Dean managed a pathetic little mewl, and the man's smile grew wider. "Poor little pet," he crooned, stroking Dean's face. "But don't worry, we'll get you down from there. We have to get you to the plane."

Plane? Dean was completely lost. Why would they be putting him on a plane?

"You're going to be a lovely addition to my collection," the man said, stepping back and looking over him appreciatively. "Those legs were made to be around someone's waist. Bowlegs, mmm. I think you'll be a good match for the senator I just got in. He has a thing for pretty brunets, and you'll do quite nicely. 200 a night, perhaps."

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