Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Homecoming

DDean woke up alone, his body stiff. The wounds hurt, and as he sat up he winced. The stitches pulled harshly, the piercings ached, and once he was upright it was all he could do to stand. Walking was even more difficult, his feet sore with new skin and his crutches ungainly. He'd been in bed for six days since he'd been allowed to go home, and was utterly sick of it. He made his way to the kitchen, collapsing at the table. The house was quiet, and outside the sky was overcast. Sam's Ducati wasn't in the drive, and he snorted. The boy had probably been spending more time with Jess.ean woke up alone, his body stiff. The wounds hurt, and as he sat up he winced. The stitches pulled harshly, the piercings ached, and once he was upright it was all he could do to stand. Walking was even more difficult, his feet sore with new skin and his crutches ungainly. He'd been in bed for six days since he'd been allowed to go home, and was utterly sick of it. He made his way to the kitchen, collapsing at the table. The house was quiet, and outside the sky was overcast. Sam's Ducati wasn't in the drive, and he snorted. The boy had probably been spending more time with Jess.
He stretched, wincing again with the pull on his stitches. As his gaze wandered, he spotted a piece of paper on the table. Grumbling under his breath, he grabbed it. Sam had probably left out one of his papers about law school again-

Dean, the page read, and he felt his hands start to shake.

I'm sorry. They called this morning. I'm sorry, but I took you up on your offer, and took the little Impala to the bus station. You should find her there.

There were tear stains on the paper.

I'll be back soon, if I come back alive. Jimmy and Amelia made it to Buffalo. I'm going to have a niece. They wanted her to abort. Apparently she's probably not going to survive to full term, but Amelia won't give her up. Jimmy couldn't stop crying. She's five months along. I think he's ready to kill in defense of her.

I'm sorry I was here for so little time. I took advantage, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry to have brought this to your door.

I love you.

Dean felt a sob tear from his throat, and the paper crunched as he gripped it.

I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to tell you in person, so you deserve to see it at least once. I love you so much, I always have. From that first day we met, probably. You have always been there, and I'm so sorry that I have to leave like this, but I had to take that bus. Please don't forget about me.

I love you. I love you. I love you. And I will not say goodbye.

Yours, always.


Dean burst into tears.


The months dragged on. Dean healed, slow but sure, his body slowly recovering from the damage. The psychological scars were harder to heal, the cruel memories slow to fade away. He often woke screaming, Sam desperately trying to calm him down. Bobby took over the club in his absence, but his little club remained staunchly loyal to him. His bedroom soon became the meeting room for many of them, and he lost count of how many times he woke up to find Andy snoring next to him, Emma sprawled over his stomach and drooling, and Max asleep in the armchair by the bed. It was 6 months before he could be on his feet constantly, and he hadn't heard a word from Castiel.

They didn't talk about it, just like they didn't talk about how Dean sometimes stopped in the middle of his sentence to gulp in air, trying to stay calm. They didn't talk about how he flinched, how he shied away from the older men at the grocery store.

Sam took to bringing Jess around. She wasn't threatening, and she and Dean could bicker over sports and Doctor Sexy without him getting scared or upset. Dean was pretty sure that Sam was going to marry her, and heartily approved. Sam, when this was brought up, just threw his hands in the air and stomped away, bright red.

7 months, 15 days, and 10 hours after Dean found the note, a rusted '73 Cadillac Fleetwood pulled up to the house. It was late evening, and Dean had just knocked back the first drink of the night, and was laughing as Emma tried to braid Ava's hair, to no avail. The room was still rowdy, the club all crowed in the room to watch the first season of Sons of Anarchy as Sam got up to let the newcomers in- "Must be Benny, that fucker's always late!"- but fell silent when Sam let out a strangled cry.

Dean felt time slow as Castiel stepped inside. His hair was longer on top, shaved around the sides. He'd put on weight, looked healthy. He was dressed simple, jeans shoved into combat boots and a loose gray Led Zepplin shirt draped on his frame. He still had the bag slung over his shoulder, and he smiled like he was about to cry.

Dean didn't remember standing.

He did remember wrapping his arms around him, and kissing him like he was about to die if he didn't. He remembered the little sob against his lips, he remembered feeling unfamiliar muscle and the soft hair.

He remembered how it felt coming home.

"I love you," he said, his breath hitching as he pulled back, catching Castiel's face in his hands. "I love you so much, please, never do that again."

"I won't," Castiel promised, kissing his palm. "I love you. I missed you so much-"

The baby started to cry, and Dean looked over to see Jimmy standing there with a tall, thin blonde holding a tiny baby girl. His throat caught, and he and Jimmy caught each other in a hug, clinging to each other. Jimmy was far too thin, nearly skeletal, and when he pulled back they both had to wipe away tears.

"Goddamn, I missed you," Dean said, clearing his throat. "Next time, leave a number."

Jimmy let out a choked laugh. "Yeah, Dean. I'll do that."

Castiel took his hand, and Dean smiled.

Finally, his family was home.


As soon as he heard Sam's motorcycle leaving the drive, Dean relaxed. The house was quiet again, the club having quickly made their excuses, Jimmy and Amelia heading over to Michael's house with the baby, and Sam going to Jess's for the night. Castiel sat waiting in the living room, his eyes fond as he watched Dean resolutely turn the look.

"About time," he said wryly, and Dean chuckled. He slowly made his way back to him, and smiled when Castiel spread his legs so he could step between them. Taking his hands, he kissed the palms gently.

"I've missed you," he murmured, and Castiel's smile softened.

"I missed you too," Castiel said, standing up to wrap his arms around Dean's waist. Dean curled into the embrace, settling his head on Castiel's shoulder with a sigh. "I was out of range a lot, and then my phone got lost somewhere. I did intend to call you."

Dean kissed his neck, smiling. "That's enough for me."

They slowly made their way to the bedroom, and Castiel looked around with a smile when he saw the new décor. Gone was John's bland, sturdy furniture. Dean had invested in a lavishly comfortable four poster that sat lower to the ground, heavy green curtains draping from it. A new dresser, dark teak, had been placed inside as well, and a comfortable chair of a coordinating green had been found somewhere. Everything had been changed, and it was finally Dean's room.

"This looks nice," he said appreciatively, and helped Dean to the bed. Dean tugged him down with him, grinning.

"I've missed you, you ass," he said fondly, and Castiel pulled him in for a long, slow kiss.

"I missed you too."

They married the next week, Castiel in his robes and Dean in a rather tattered suit he'd found buried in his closet. The justice of the peace gave them a strange look, taking in Dean's crutches and the hoard of bikers crying behind them. The ceremony was short and sweet, and the party just the same. Dean's stamina still hadn't completely returned, and by the time people left the house, loaded down with cake, he was half asleep.

"You going to fall asleep on our wedding night?" Castiel teased, as they settled into bed.

"Give me an hour," Dean yawned. "I'll come around."

Castiel kissed his neck, and Dean's smile broadened.

"Welcome home, Cas."

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