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Hello ! This is my first time posting on Wattpad after eight years of being a silent reader, so this is slightly nerve-wrecking for me (insert awkward chuckles).

forever you is a short story I wrote at a time when I really wished I had someone I could trust, rely on, someone like who Siobhan and Noah are to each other. Until I realized I did, in the form of the generous and supportive circle of friends I have the luck to count on.

This is a story I never intended to publish here, so I never wrote it that way. Please forgive the poor editing and lack of precision (I'm not American and haven't put the most effort into research, I'll admit) as my focus was on depicting this relationship I imagined in my head, more so than rendering the most realistic context or setting.

After months and months of hesitation, and a little push from a friend, I decided to take the jump and offer this story to the world, with all its imperfections and poor format. Because Noah and Siobhan's story is one I hold dear to my heart. Because their bond, built on trust and support and friendship, is precious. One I think we all dream to have in our lives at least once. Sometimes, on dark days, we desperately wish for this one person to come and save us. But at other times, if we looked only a little closer, we'd realize this one person is already in our lives.

My hope with putting this story out there (aside from being a good challenge for myself) is that it can resonate with people. To the ones who already have such a support system, I'm so glad for you and hope you show your appreciation to your loved ones. May we never take them for granted.

To the others who are waiting and wanting such love and support : hold on. I'm sure some great people are coming your way. And know that you're never, never alone.

On this note, good reading, and feel free to leave a comment as I'd love to know your thoughts, opinions ! Hopefully you'll love Noah and Siobhan as much as I do !


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