[one year and two months]

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So many people. Since when did Bas know half of the campus ? Though it wasn't a surprise, coming from his friend. Bastian could make even a rock crack up. No wonder every person he invited showed up to his Halloween party – and half this crowd without an invite, Noah suspected.

He made his way through the crowd, the kitchen his aim. Deftly dodging drunk skeletons and swiftly slipping out of conversations he didn't ask for – his mouth was getting tired of repeating let's catch up later! so many times. It was as if everyone assumed, because he was team captain, he had to be social. Noah didn't hate people. He just liked to spend most of his time with a restricted circle of friends whom he trusted bone deep. Meeting new faces, striking up conversations, it was all fun when he had the time and energy. Tonight, he didn't. Yet he couldn't blame all these people for coming up to him; the party was organized in his house after all. They simply wrongly believed it had been a joint effort from him and Bas.

Surveying the crowded room for the shortest route to his end goal, his eyes landed on Justin Bradford chatting up some poor girl. Though he was a great teammate, and a great player on the field, Bradford was also well-known for his womanizing ways. The guy should come with a neon sign attached around his neck, especially when he approached girls unaware of his reputation. The thought of helping the brunette out crossed his mind for a sec – wait. Noah took a good look at the duo again. Then, before he had even registered it, his foot changed direction, parting his way through the mass of people without any of his previous caution.

His only focus the raven-haired girl looking up at Bradford.

The sandy-blonde haired man saw him coming, mouth opening, but Noah cut him short, exclaimed loudly: "Shiv, there you are ! I've been looking for you for the past half hour." Completed with a hand gripping the furthest shoulder from him, tucking her slightly to his side. He didn't miss the other man's eyes following the gesture, Noah's grip tightening.

Siobhan whipped her head around. Blinked at him in surprise. "Noah?"

Smiling at her like this was not a chance meeting, he kept on his charade. "Why didn't you text me you've arrived?"

"Sorry dad, I forgot." Even with her glossy eyes and the tint of red blossoming on her cheeks, her tone had lost nothing of the bite he came to expect. One glance to the cup in her hand had him asking: "How much did you have to drink?"

"It's my first one." His behavior probably seemed erratic and overbearing to her, but she followed in his stride, no sideway glance nor comment on the arm around her shoulders. "Is my attire also too revealing, dear father?"

He hadn't meant to. His eyes traveled on their own, taking in her beige tank top and black shorts before he realized what he was doing. Immediately raising his head, his stare met hers. Her arched-up brow made him glance away, heat threatening to burn his cheeks.

"No, it's fine," he grumbled, well-aware she had caught him at his game.

"Um, you two know each other?" Bradford spoke up. Noah had completely forgotten his presence, also the real reason behind his approaching Siobhan. The reminder sobered him up pretty quickly, playfulness fading into a more polite stance.

"Yeah. We're friends." A stretch from his part, possibly, seeing as they never discussed the nature of their relationship. He considered them friends. Having lunch, complaining about his classes over texts and driving her home fell into the stuff-friends-do category to him. Noah only hoped Siobhan wouldn't dispute his claim right then. With his eyes fixed on his teammate, he couldn't see her reaction. But he received no surprised glance, though he could feel the tension that had gripped her body when he'd stated it.

"Oh, that's dope ! I was thinking–"

"I promised Bas I would bring him a beer back," Noah cut him off again. This time, Bradford's face switched slightly, as if not understanding why his captain was being so rude to him. His unsettled silence was Noah's cue to go. "So we better get going! See you later!"

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