Eden's Script

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My name is Eden Pierce.

My preferred pronouns are She/Her

I am 15 years old.

My Birthday is June 24th, 1979

My parents are both muggles, John and Christine Pierce. Both died when I was two years old.

I do not have any siblings.

I am muggle-born.

I have hazelnut brown hair and golden eyes.

I am 5'4" tall.

My body type is average? I guess...?

My best physical features are my eyes and hair.

The best parts of my personality are my wittiness and my ability to comfort others.

I am very talented at potions, herbology, and healing magic. 

I speak 2 languages. They are English and French.

I am very extroverted.

My signature scent is mint and water lilies (like the candle from Target).

My Patronus is a Black Stallion.

I am in my 5th year at Hogwarts.

My Wand is Cherry wood with a phoenix core 12 ¾" and slightly yielding flexibility.

The story of how I got my wand begins just like all the others. I was taken to Olivanders in Diagon Alley where we tried about three other wands before this one. He told me that cherry wood and the phoenix core were very rare and picky with the wizards they chose, but the glow that surrounded me when my wand chose me was the brightest he had ever seen.

My dream job in the wizarding world is to become a healer.

My pet is a long hair, creme colored cat with green eyes. Her name is Prim and often I get the sense she understands what I say to her more than what is expected of a pet. I have had my pet since my first year at Hogwarts. She was a gift from professor Dumbledore and some of the other professors.

At Hogwarts, I have many friends. 

My friends include members of the Hufflepuff house like Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, and Cedric Diggory. I am also good friends with the Weasley Twins, Fred and George as well as Ron, Harry, and Hermione. I also befriend Ginny and Luna when they attend school.

I became friends with Fred and George first. We met on the train going to Hogwarts for the first time and even though I was sorted into Hufflepuff and them into Gryffindor, we still found time for each other. Cedric and I met after the sorting ceremony and became good friends, especially after our first potions class when it became clear he needed extra help. Later, I meet Ron and the rest of Weasleys when Fred and George invite me to stay the summer with them at the burrow after first year is over. I go and when Molly discovers my parents are gone, she insists that I stay with them always. When Ron finally starts school the following year, I meet Harry and Hermione as well as Hannah and Susan.

None of my friends die!!

My friends love me because I am kind and compassionate as well as funny.

My friends understand my sense of humor and references.

Our favorite thing we do together is explore Hogwarts, play jokes/pranks on each other or others, eat and/or sneak into the kitchens, play Gobstones.

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