Chapter 3

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I stumbled into the Hufflepuff common room, distracted by the possibility I could be stuck in a jumbled version of my desired reality.

"Eden!" Cedric called, standing up from his place near one of the bookcases. I waved nervously in his direction before making a beeline for the girls dormitory. "Wait, Eden, I-"

I didn't even wait for him to finish. I just disappeared down the corridor towards my room. Once I got there, I found Hannah and Susan sitting on their respective beds. Both girls jumped to their feet when I walked in.

"Eden! What happened to you?" Susan asked.

"Are you okay?" Hannah followed.

"Yeah? I'm fine... why wouldn't I be?" I asked, trying my best to mask my panic.

"Well, its just... you ran out of breakfast rather quickly," Susan explained.

"Hey, I did too, and I don't see you overly concerned about me," Hannah protested.

"Yeah, but that's normal for you," Susan rolled her eyes at the blonde girl before turning to me. "You good?"

"I'm fine, just tired," I said with a smile I had hoped would be convincing. Susan stared at me, one brow raised. 

"Okay, sure," she said.

"Yeah, and you know, I think I'm just gonna take a nap so don't worry about me," I rushed.

"But, wait, I thought we were gonna go watch the quidditch teams practice," Hannah pipped up.

"Was that today?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah... we do that every Saturday," Susan said, crossing her arms. "Are you sure you're okay?" she seemed increasingly more suspicious.  I rubbed my temples soothingly and fell onto my bed.

"Ugh, everything is so wrong," I muttered in frustration. 

"What do you mean?" Susan asked as she and Hannah both moved closer to me. I looked up at the two girls who I had scripted to be my best friends. There were so many memories I had created for us, many of which I was sure didn't happen in the reality, many more I was sure I didn't even know about.

"Eden, whatever it is, you can tell us," Hannah smiled reassuringly as she sat next to me and rubbed small circles on my back.

"If I tell you, it could make things so much worse," I said quietly.

"Come on, how bad could it be? We've been friends for years, I'm sure-" 

"I hit on Draco Malfoy!" I blurted out. The two girls paused before bursting into fits of laughter.

"Is that all?" Susan asked, trying to contain herself. I nodded and dramatically threw my head into my hands. The Draco thing wasn't something I had planned on sharing, but I couldn't tell them about this being a reality I shifted to. Talk about existential crisis.

"I can't believe you actually did it! I mean, the twins have only been daring you to forever!" Hannah laughed.

"Really? It hasn't been that long," I sighed, pretending to know what she was talking about.

"C'mon, ever since they tricked him into telling them what he smelled in their amortentia, they were confident Draco was in love with you, don't you remember?" Susan said, still amused.

"Hmm, still don't recall, what did he smell exactly?" I asked, trying to play dumb, even though I was, in fact, dumb.

"What did he say exactly? Waterlilies and mint with a bit of green tea," Susan replied. "It was obviously you. Your perfume smells like waterlilies and you always have a cup of green tea with mint. Its like your signature scent."

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