Chapter 2

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"There you are! We were wondering if you had gone back to sleep," Susan exclaimed as I sat down across from her and Hannah.

"No, just enjoying my shower was all," I lied. I had actually made a loop around the school, taking the long way to the Great Hall. 

"I'm glad, you know you've got to stop staying out so late with the Weasleys," Hannah said, her voice just above a whisper, as if she were scared to be heard. "They're not the best influences."

"Hannah," I sighed. "Trust me, its fine. They're like family anyway," I shrugged as food appeared on the table in front of us. There was a spread of muffins, eggs, french toast, seasoned potatoes, fruits, and just about any other thing you could think of. Pitchers of orange juice, milk, and water appeared, accompanied by kettles of hot chocolate, coffee, and tea. My eyes were wide, although I tried my best to contain my giddiness. Susan and Hannah began to serve themselves, still chatting away and I followed suit.

"You may think you're family, but those boys are definitely in love with you or something," Susan smirked. I choked on my orange juice a little as she it and she laughed.

"Honestly, Susan, not funny," I said trying not to laugh as well. As I brought my napkin to my face Hannah's eyes averted to something behind me.

"Speaking of people who are in love with you," she said just before someone took a seat next to me.

"Well, if it isn't trio of prettiest girls in Hufflepuff," they chimed. I turned and was met by the endearing gaze of Cedric Diggory.

"You say that as if we are the only pretty girls in Hufflepuff," Susan laughed.

"Well, I won't tell the other's if you don't," he said, flashing us a smile. I returned the smile and so did Susan. I glanced at Hannah who just seemed flustered. Her cheeks were flushed a bright red and she quickly stood up.

"Hannah?" I asked.

"Uh, well, I- I have to go, homework you know," she stuttered before rushing out of the great hall. My gaze followed her as she left and I frowned before Cedric grabbed my attention again.

"Have you heard?" he asked. 

"Heard what?" I answered turning to look at him.

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament is happening this year," he said with a boyish grin.

"Great, just what we need. More ways for Hogwarts students to get killed," Susan rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.

"Oh why do you have to be such a downer?" Cedric scoffed.

"I'm not a downer, just realistic," she sighed. I knew exactly what was going to happen. In the books, Cedric wins the tournament, but still dies and although I had scripted that it wouldn't happen, I still felt worry form in the pit of my stomach.

"You're not going to sign up for it, are you?" I asked.

"Of course I am!" Cedric smiled at me. I felt weak; he was just a pretty up close as he was on a movie screen. "What can go wrong?"

"Statistically, lot's of things," Susan said plainly. "For one, there are whispers that You Know Who is still around." 

"You Know Who?" I repeated, mostly out of shock. That can't be. Susan and Cedric both gave me a questioning look. "He exists?"

"Okay, now I'm really worried about you," Susan said. "Of course he exists, you of all people should know, you're friends with Harry Potter after all." I felt a panic set in. This isn't right, I didn't script this. This is not my desired reality. 

Much like Hannah had done moments before, I stood up quickly and excused myself. I rushed out of the great hall in search of a place where I could gather my thoughts, and potentially go back to my original reality. If things as big as Voldemort existing when I had specifically scripted otherwise were happening, then I needed to get out of here. There was no telling what else could go wrong.

I made my way through Hogwarts quickly, but unfortunately I was so distracted I didn't see anyone when I quickly rounded a corner. I bumped into them and stumbled back. It must have been my lucky day because I also lost my footing and ended up on the floor. Standing over me was none other than Draco Malfoy. He must have been on his way to quidditch practice, because although he wore a pair of grey slacks and a deep green sweater with a white collar poking out at the top, he had a sports back draped over his shoulder.

The blonde boy smirked sinisterly at me. "Well, looks like Pierce has finally learned her place," he said earning laughs from his entourage.

"Oh whatever," I rolled my eyes before standing up. I dusted myself off and looked at him. There he was, Draco Malfoy. The boy I had been obsessed with for the last four months, just as breath taking as I imagined. I knew I had scripted us as enemies to lovers, but since I was going to be leaving anyway, I figured no harm could be done in messing with him. I smiled deviously and moved closer, so only he could hear me. "You getting me on my knees was an accident. Bet all I'd have to say to get you on yours would be please?" I pulled away and winked at him. His face was bright red and he was at a loss for words. 

"See you later, Malfoy," I smiled sweetly before continuing on my way. I decided I was going to the green houses. Since it was Saturday, I figured no one would be there. I arrived to find that I was right and slipped inside of one of them.

"Right, okay," I said to myself taking a breath. To leave my desired reality, I had scripted that all I needed to do was close my eyes and snap my fingers three times. So, that's what I did. 

Snap, snap, snap.

I peaked out of one of my eyes. Nothing. 

Okay, no harm in trying again, right?

Snap. Snap. Snap.

Nothing again. 

Panic began to set in. What if I couldn't get back? What if, like so many other things in my script, this wasn't working either? 

Then I remembered, I scripted a safe word. Okay, what was it? I wracked my brain for it but... oh! It was peaches! I shook my head at myself as I remember that I had chosen the first word that popped into my head when choosing my safe word.

"Whoo, okay. Here it goes," I said, closing my eyes. "Peaches." I spoke the word very calmly and firmly.

"Yeah? What about them?" a voice said from behind me. My eyes snapped open to reveal I was still in the green house. I turned around to see Fred and George Weasley leaning in the doorway, mischievous smiles on their faces.

"How long have you been there?" I asked, trying my best to not seem panicked.

"Long enough," Fred said.

"Cute little dance, by the way," George added.

"Not sure about the peaches thing, though," Fred continued.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied, crossing my arms.

"Sure," he said still smiling.

"We came looking for you, wanted to see if you wanted to do something," George stated, changing the subject.

"Like?" I asked.

"I dunno," both boy said together, shrugging.

"Well, as riveting as that sounds, I have some things I have to do. You know, for..." I trailed off trying to think of something. "...Potions!" I said, remembering that I was actually in honors potions.

"Geez, you're always studying for something! It's a Saturday, pleeeeeease?" Fred begged.

"Sorry," I replied. "I have to go, but you two have fun with... whatever you're going to be doing." I patted both of them on the back before making my out of the green house towards the Hufflepuff common room.

I needed to figure out what was wrong, and fast. If this reality was no longer based off my script, there was way too much that could go wrong.

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