Mitsuki: Ok the hunting test lasts for a month but after i check on you at the end of the month you will be on your own and be able to make your own pack or join a different pack but so you know you are always welcomed to come back to our pack ok?
Katsuki: Ok *leaves to do the test*
Bakugo: *Finds a place to start a pack and stays there*
Izuku midoriya/Deku Beta Wolf
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Deku: Um who are you and what are you doing?
Katsuki: I am Katsuki and I plan to make a new pack do what to join?
Deku: Yes please
Katsuki: Welcome to my new pack Luna thare is three roles and role one is wolfs and warewolfs are all welcomed and allowed if they mean us on harm two you all have to get along and three wolfs and warewolfs are allowed to be mates and yes I do know wolf and warewolf low I just don't care
Deku: Ok luna
Katsuki: *Smiles and starts growing his pack through the month but he did go into heat somewhere in the month but now it is the end of the month*
Mitsuki: *Comes to check out the luna pack sense it become so big over a month* Excuse me may I talk to your pack leader?
Deku: Sure I don't think Kacchan will not mind * Takes Mitsuki Bakugo* Kacchan someone wants to talk to you
Katsuki: *Looks at Mitsuki* Old hag how are you and dad and the pack?
Mitsuki: Good but I can't believe you build this pack in a month and by the way what is your second gender?
Katsuki: I am a omega and befor you ask no I do not have a sol yet