im sorry

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Casie POV

Its the next morning and I'm preparing my plan to say I'm sorry to JC. The guys went out to buy things they asked me to come but I said no. I decided on making a video for JC and posting it to YouTube. I don't know what els to do. I sat on the floor and pressed record.

Hello people of the internet world I'm Casie leathers and I'm making this video to say I'm sorry. Not to you but to JC. Me and JC we font have a good history together back in school I accidentally spilled food all over him and I laughed and for a while people picked on him. I tried saying sorry but just saying I'm sorry wasn't enough witch is understandable. So I'm here telling JC I'm sorry I truly am what I did was wrong and mean and I'm so sorry and I know I don't deserve it but if you could can you find it in your heart to forgive me. All I want is to talk and hang with knowing that what I have done means nothing any more. And if you let us I can see us being friends but right now just saying sorry.

I turned the camera off and posted it. Once it was done uploading I sent JC the long


Me and the guys were at star bucks talking till my phone rang. I looked at the phone and it was from Casie she sent me a link to YouTube and the bottom of the link said I'm sorry.

Jc- I'll be right back guys.

I went to the bathroom and pressed play. It was casie!?

After video

Wow I guess she really means it. I sent her a text saying I forgive her and went back to the guys.

Casie POV

I got a text from JC saying he forgives me. Yeah finnaly all my suffering will end

5 minutes later

The guys just got back home. I walked down stairs and they had a lot of groceries.

Casie- need any help
Ricky- yes please oh and we got you a Starbucks

I looked over at JC he didn't look mean and he didn't glare at me. We put every thing away I went to the living room while the guys stayed in the. After a while JC came out and sat next to me on the couch. And before I knew what was happening he hugged me soon after I was hugging back. After a second or to he let me go.

Jc- thanks for saying sorry I'm sorry I bullied you for three years
Casie- thanks for your forgiveness and I forgive you to
Jc- cool friends

I looked down at his hand

Casie- your not ganna try and kiss me again write
Jc- ha no I'm sorry for that to
Casie- its fine

I shook his hand and that's when I knew for shere that all of my pain was done at lest I hope

Casie- so were friends know
Jc- yup

The guys came out of the kitchen

Ricky- who wants a movie night
Casie- me
Jc- sounds like fun
Kian- great I'll pick the move

After a few minutes kian came back with a scary movie called scream

Casie- oh my god I love this movie
Kian- aww man you like scary movies.he whined
Casie- yeah there just comedy from another angel

We sat down and watched the movie the guys all screamed twice except me and JC

Casie- you guys are whimps
Jc- uh what she said
Trevor- shut up

We all laughed. After the move was done we all went to bed.

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