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There was no confirmation that Jake was actually where his profile said he was.

His last known location was at the local park roughly eighteen hours prior.

Still, Hailey decided she was going to go look. If he wasn't there, at least she'd tried to find him.

But if he was still there, which Hailey doubted, she'd talk to him; apologise. The guilt for not letting the boy explain along either the fact he had gone missing not long after made her feel sick to her stomach.

The teal haired girl grabbed the stuff from her locker and sent a text to her father saying she was heading out.

With all that done, she follwed the map to the boy's last known location.


Jake sat up in the tree house feeling faint as he lifted up his body weight for the last time that day.

Having no food was the issue. An issue he hadn't thought about. An issue that was causing him extreme agony despite the fact he had gone without it for longer before.

He rolled around for a moment trying to find the ideal sleeping position for his next shortly lived sleep. That was until he heard a voice.


"Jake!! Are you here!?"

The noise kept getting louder. Not cause the voice was trying to get his attention, but because the voice was heading closer to him.

He panicked, a nessasary adrenaline rush creeping up within him, causing him to shake violently.

Part of him wanted to make a response, but the half of him was afraid that it'd be the wrong person.

As the voice grew closer, he began to recognise it. Jake was way to tired to figure out who it was but it was definitely no stranger.

"Who is it?" He asked, sounding weak. Whoever the person looking for him was, they definitely had good hearing cause he received a response.

"Jake! Is that you?" She was closer. Close enough for the boy to identify the voice as a woman's.

"Y-yeah" As the voice crept up the stairs of the tree house, he began to feel faint again.

When he didn't know who the voice was, the panic had given him energy. But now that he had identified the voice as a friend's and not a foe's, the blond boy's brain clearly felt like there was no longer a reason to keep his body as awake.

Hailey, the person who was talking to him from the stairs, made her way into the tree house. He smiled as he tapped his hand on the wood next to him, implying that he wanted her to sit near him.

She noticed this and crept over. "Cute little house. Is it yours?" She teased. "N-no" Jake replied, getting flustered out of embarrassment.

"Well yeah. It used to be anyway." Jake calmed himself so he didn't waste any unnecessary energy.

"You're quite pale," she explained, placing the back of hand against his forehead. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Jake said, attempting to sound fine, but failing.

"You're not Jake.." she looked at him and he looked back. Their eyes felt intertwined as they starred at eachother.

"All I'm saying is, you should probably eat something and get some rest. I'll call my dad and he'll take you home, alright?"

Jake nodded, quickly rethinking his decision as he realised this would lead to him having to go back to school and talking to people he never wanted to see again.

However, it was too late and Hailey was already talking to her father by the time he realised this. He knew his brain was working too slow because of the lack of sleep. Maybe Hailey was right. Maybe he wasn't alright.


It was only five minutes before Micheal, Hailey's father, was parked outside the park the he had been staying at.

During that time, Hailey had noticed two names wrote on the wall, neither of which she recognised. She debated asking him about it, only to hesitate. He needed rest, not an interrogation.

She kept starring at it until one of the names came to mind. Milo; Jake's younger brother.

But Jake had only mentioned having one sibling. Did he have more? Hailey realised that this question couldn't be answered cause he'd specified that he only had one. Was the girl dead?

They headed inside. Jake still looked like he was on the verge of passing out. Hailey came with him to his room.

It was on the right corner of the boys house. There was a bed covered in blue sheets. There where five or six musics notes above it, which looked like they had been printed out and stuck onto the wall.

It was a white room, no wallpaper. There wasn't much in it apart from a bed, side table, a dresser and a desk.

Over on the other side of the room, there was a desk with pieces of paper on them. Hailey picked up one and said her goodbyes to the boy.

When she was outside the room, she leant the piece of paper on Jake's closed door and took a pen out of her pocket that she'd left in there from school.

She wrote, "I know you're probably recovering but when you feel better can we talk :)," She would go into more detail when he was okay again.

And with that, Hailey headed down to leave with her dad, hoping that her friend would recover quickly for a selfish reason.


jj xz

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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