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She's a fallen angel, she has no place here in the Celestial realm.

She's just a child, how can you be so cruel?

A child of darkness and violence, she's as vile as the demons. She's not even a child anymore!

What do you want us to do? Abandon her to the elements?

I'd prefer you killed her, but as long as you rid her of this realm I don't care.

I sat on the ground, my knees pulled to my chest so I could rest my arms and head. It was cold, so I wrapped my black feathered wings around myself. It didn't help much, but it kept the biting wind out. I had always been an outcast in the Celestial realm, but it wasn't my fault I was born with dark magic. It wasn't my fault I was born without grace. The leader of the Archangels, Ludociel, had me kicked out to be left for dead. Rage coursed through me as I pictured him, hearing his words. I'd get my revenge.

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. I created a ball of dark magic in my hand, jumping to my feet in case whoever it was was hostile. "Who's there?!" I yelled. A boy? A man? He looked young but I had a feeling he wasn't as young as he looked. His hair was as black as my wings, his eyes a blackish red. I blushed at his exposed muscular chest but quickly looked back to his eyes, hoping he didn't notice. "Who are you?" I asked angrily. He tilted his head to the side. That's pretty cute... "Are you a goddess?" he asked in a cold voice. "Tch," I responded, my voice laced with hate, "According to them, no. I'm what you'd call a fallen angel." He took a step forward and I took a step back, weary of this stranger.

"I'm not going to ask again," I warned, "Who are you?!" He smirked at my threat. Who does this little shit think he is? "I'm Zeldris," he replied, finally revealing his name at least, "What's yours?" I eyed him carefully but nothing about him came off as hostile, so I dissipated my dark magic and approached him. He's short but he's handsome... "I'm Enyo," I responded, "Are you a demon?" He flashed a genuine smile, "And if I am, are you going to attack me? You are still technically a goddess, fallen or not." I frowned down at him, booping his little button nose playfully, "Fuck the goddess clan. They'll feel my wrath one day."

He swatted my hand away but I saw the small smile before it disappeared back into his cold, calm demeanor, "Do you want to fight with the demon clan? You can destroy all the goddesses you want then." Without any hesitation, I nodded and extended my hand to him, "You got yourself a deal, short stuff!" He frowned and rolled his eyes at my teasing nickname, I gave him a mischievous grin, "Would you rather I call you hot stuff?" Blush spread across his cheeks as he quickly turned around, "Follow me," he ordered, flustered. This is going to be fun! I caught up to him and asked, "Where are we going anyway?" "Back to the demon realm. I need to see how you handle yourself in battle, and find you a weapon," he replied.

I hummed loudly, "Well, I always got in fist fights with the other goddesses, so I'm fairly confident there." I giggled, violence and destruction always made me excited. "I bet I could take you in a fist fight," I teased him, bumping into him intentionally. "You're annoying, maybe I should leave you here instead," he threatened, but I could tell from the tone in his voice he was joking. "You wouldn't, you like me too much already, Zeldris," I ran my finger lightly down his chest a bit. His face turned as red as his jumpsuit, making me giggle again. "Okay, I'll stop teasing you for now. But as for a weapon, I've always envisioned a badass scythe!" I informed him, a hint of depravity in my voice. He chuckled, a sinful grin now on his face, "You're not like any other goddess I've come across, the others will like you."

Zeldris and I walked to a cave that was more like a hole in the ground, it was a steep decline. "We're here," he announced, before pausing a second, "Do you have any goddess powers to protect you from the miasma?" I chuckled. "I wasn't born with any grace, just dark magic. ThE mAgIc oF dEmOnS," I mocked Ludociel's words. I jumped down without waiting for his response, "I'll be fine, let's go!" "Are you always this reckless?" Zeldris questioned. "I prefer to call it adventurous. I'm here for a good time, not a long time, hot stuff." I winked back at him, making him blush again. He is super fucking cute!

Fallen [Zeldris x OC]Where stories live. Discover now