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"Enyo!" I was being shaken slightly but couldn't open my eyes, the voice sounded far away. "Enyo, wake up! We need you!" I forced my eyes to open, Zel's black eyes were in front of mine. When he saw my eyes starting to open, he squeezed me in a tight hug. "Zel, what's going on?" I choked out, still exhausted, I could hear fighting in the background. He glanced at the fight then back to me, anger and sadness in his eyes, "The Demon King took over Meliodas' body. The Sins are trying to kick him out but I think we should help," he explained. "Zel, I don't know how much help I can be," I coughed, as he helped me stand, "I'm still worn out from using so many powerful spells." We watched the fight before us, "Damn, Meliodas looks awful like that," I joked. Zeldris chuckled, "Well, they're trying to keep his body intact so fist fighting is probably better anyway. Do you think you can do that?" "I can try, just give me a second," I stretched a bit and bounced up and down to get the blood flowing, "Let's do this!"

"Hey Demon King!" I yelled, running at the creepy adult Meliodas, "Let's have a chat, asshat!" I jumped and punched him as hard as I could in his face. "Enyo! It's been a while, how is my little Angel of Death?" he asked after getting up from the crumbling wall I knocked him into. "Oh you know, not much except learning that you're the entire reason my life has been fucked," I started, kicking him towards Ban, "But other than that, I'm on this side of the dirt! Ban, let's play catch!" Ban grinned at me, knowing what I actually meant was, 'Let's use the Demon King in Meliodas' body as a volleyball.' Before he reached Ban, he chuckled darkly, "I made you into one of the strongest beings there is, second only to Meliodas. You should be grateful!"

Ban punched him in the back, sending him hurtling toward me. "I'm only grateful in that I can help kick your ass. Meliodas, get him the fuck out of your body so I can apologize for how shitty I've been to you over the years!" I yelled, about to throw a punch into his gut but he threw a right hook into the side of my head, sending me flying. "Enyo!" I heard Zeldris call out for me. I got up to see the Demon King blast his youngest son with magic so he couldn't get to me. "Zel!" I took off after him, Ban was keeping the Demon King busy. When I found Zeldris, he was unconscious. I couldn't leave him there but I needed to help fight the Demon King to save Meliodas. I grabbed him in my arms and flew closer to the battle, not knowing what to do. I saw that the majority of the Sins were with Gowther, I imagined trying to help Meliodas spiritually.

What do I do?! The Sins need my help, but so does Zeldris...

"Fuck it," I muttered, "Black Cocoon!" My dark magic enveloped us, keeping us safe. "Zel," I caressed his cheek with my hand, "I didn't choose to be separated from you 3,000 years ago. I just got you back, so I'm not leaving you again. The Sins can take care of Meliodas, I'm going to take care of you," I whispered before kissing his forehead. I chuckled lightly, "Unfortunately I didn't inherit any healing magic from my surrogate mother, so I'm not much help besides shielding you from whatever's happening outside." His face looked so peaceful, no anger or pain, "You've been under your father's command your entire life, steeling your hearts to avoid being stripped of your emotions like your brother...I just want you to know you don't have to be tough for me all the time. You're a victim of your father's cruelty as much as I am."

I didn't realize I was crying until a couple tears landed on his cheek. His eyes peeked open a little bit, "Zel!" I exclaimed. He had the prettiest bright green eyes, "Where are we?" he asked as I smiled down at him. "We're in a sphere of my magic, the Demon King attacked you, knocking you unconscious," I answered quietly. "Meliodas?" he asked. "I don't know. I found you and made the decision to protect you instead of helping them. They can take care of it. You're my priority," I leaned down to kiss him softly. He turned to rest his face in my chest and I stroked his hair. I wasn't sure how long we stayed that way, but suddenly my magic disappeared and the Sins were around us, including Meliodas in his original body.

Meliodas 'inspected' his brother, the way he was positioned, "I knew you were a tits man!" I could practically feel Zel's face burning with blush, "Shut up!" He waited a few seconds before turning around, "What happened?" Zeldris asked his brother. "Oh he's dead now!" Meliodas answered cheerfully. "Can you still keep your promise?" Zeldris asked before looking at me. "Definitely, I may not be the Demon King but I did gain enough power to break all four of the curses," Meliodas responded and Zel's eyes lit up. The visual entities of our curses were actually pretty gross looking, but Meliodas didn't lie, he was able to break them. Afterwards, he used his remaining gained power to destroy the Commandments.

I noticed Ludociel was gone, but then I saw someone I thought had died, "Mael?" "Hi, Enyo," Mael greeted, "It's good to see you." I smiled genuinely, Mael was the only one from the goddess clan that never made me feel like I was beneath him. The Sins decided to go to the Boar Hat to celebrate, and I made Zeldris come with me, he wasn't thrilled about it but relented anyway.

"Meliodas? Can we talk?" I asked when he was alone for a second. "Sure Enyo, what's up?" he smiled. I looked at Zel who was next to me, "I'll be right back." He frowned a bit, not wanting to be left alone with the rest of the Sins but stayed. "Let's go outside," I suggested then led the way. I jumped up to the roof and he followed. We sat in silence for a few minutes, I was trying to find the right words. "Meliodas...I-I'm sorry, for being so horrible over the years. I know there's nothing that I can ever do to make up for the pain I caused you," I started, tears were leaking from my red eyes, "I'm not going to blame it on my curse, I can take responsibility for what I did."

We sat in silence a little longer before he spoke, "Whether you accept it or not, the curse you had was strong and was eating away at you. That wasn't you. You're the girl that got in my face and wouldn't stop trying to break down the walls I put up around myself. I can't forgive you for killing Elizabeth, but you can atone for it." I looked over at him, "How?" He returned my gaze before grinning, "Take care of Zeldris for me. I've never been a good brother to him and he needs someone like you to watch out for him." I grinned back, "I can do that. Again, I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me."

We jumped back down and I rejoined Zeldris at the bar. "When do you want to go back?" I asked him, poking his little nose with a smile. He playfully swatted my hand away, "I figured we could spend some time wandering around Britannia before going back to the demon realm." I looked down into my mug of ale, "I wonder how it looks since we haven't been there in so long." Meliodas walked up in front of us from the other side of the bar, "So what do you two plan to do now that the war is over?" Zeldris wasn't ready to pretend everything was okay with he and Meliodas, he was still hurting from Meliodas betraying him.

"That's none of your business!" he growled at his older brother. "Zel! Stop being so stubborn," I scolded before turning to Meliodas, "We'll stay in Britannia for a little while before returning to the demon realm. They still need a king." Meliodas smiled, "That's what I figured you'd be doing. Don't be strangers!"

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