Chapter Nine

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I move slightly to the beat of the song we have playing in the background as we play Monopoly. I rest back into the fluffy bean bag as Hana moves around the board.

"Saemi.. What is going on with your scandal? We don't know anything about it.."

I look to Yoona as the other members nod, feeling the same way.

"Ah.. Well.. We both denied the rumours but the public really like us together. So we all decided for us to be in a fake relationship. We feel it is the best choice seeming as it would bring more popularity"

My attension moves from the group to the board as I move my piece along the street. After the short explanation they nod to themselves. I look to my phone as it vibrates in my pocket. I take it out peeking at the notification, trying to ignore the burst of laughter and whining as Aki lands on Lihua's triple hotel. Moonbyul messaged me? But we don't have anything scheduled today.. I take out my phone to see what she said.

Moon Byulyi: Get ready, wear something nice but casual.

I starr at the text very confused. Maybe I do have something scheduled..

"Something just came up.."

I quickly move into mine and Aki's shared bedroom as Aki herself as follows me. I look to her as she shut's the door behind us.

"What happened? Did someone die? Family emergency?"

I giggle at her worried state. I'm glad she cares for me.

"Nothing bad has happened Aki. Moonbyu told me to get ready but I have no idea what for.."

I look through my closet as Aki sits on her bed watching me.

"What did she say?"

"Well she said to get ready.. And to wear something nice but casual.."

I sift through my various clothes until I find my pink strawberry dress. Perfect.. I bring it out and I let it hang on my closet door. A pair of white heels and a pale pink handbag.

"What do you think of this?"

"I. Love. It! Pair it with a simple necklace and earrings and then it'll be perfect! Oh! And the small pink bow hair pins would be amazing with it!" 

I nod grinning and I quickly get dressed in this cute pink outfit. I look to Aki as she brings the accessories to me, helping me put them on. I look over to my phone as I see Moonbyul calling me. I pick it up answering.

"Hey Moonbyul"

"Saemi, where do you live?"

"Oh.. That was sudden.. Why?"

"I'm coming to pick you up and I need to know where you live"

"Ah.. Okay okay.. Well we live in in Apartment Block Eleven on Goedam Road"

"Mm.. See you soon"

She hangs up before I could say goodbye. I look to Aki as she watches me.

"She's taking me out"

I shake my head she makes kissy noises. I get my purse Ready before I leave our bedroom with Aki hot on my trail yelling that I have a date. I ignore her as I leave the apartment. I look into my phone, using it as a mirror while I traverse the apartment block stairs. I put my phone in my pocket as I exit the building, being quickly greeted with Moonbyul standing in front of a black Benz.

"This is your car..?"

"Yep, you better get used to being in the passenger seat"

I gulp slightly at her statement and then watch as she opens the door for me.

"Thank you.."

I get into the car, belting up and she shuts the door before getting in the other side. I stare at her as she gets herself ready to drive, her gaze moving to me. Her eyes wonder but they move back to the road as she starts the car.

"Moonbyul..? What is this about? It wasn't on our schedule.."

"I'm taking you out. If we are going to be fake girlfriend's we need to get to know each other"

I nod softly, admiring the view as we move along the road. I wonder where she's taking me.. I look towards the woman next to me. I'm glad I got caught in a scandal with someone nice. I raise an eyebrow as she turns into a drive-thru Starbucks.

"Can I get a tall black coffee and.. What did you want?"

"Uh.. A grande matcha ice bubble tea please.."

She finishes our order and drives up. Was this all just for a Starbucks? I rest back in my seat as she pays and retrieves our drinks, putting them in the drink holder.

"So what now..?"

I stare at Moonbyul as she turns out of Starbucks.

"We are going to my place"

I nod softly slightly embarrassed  at the thought of going to her place. It doesn't take long till we are here. We both get out, not forgetting our drinks. I sip on my ice matcha bubble tea as I follow Moonbyul up to her apartment. I follow her into apartment and I take off my shoes, putting on some slippers she has laid out for me. I watch as she opens the sliding door and four dogs bombard us.

"Saemi, this is Daebak, Haengwoon, Geongang and Janggu"

I grin crouching down to pet them.


After getting brutally attacked by four cute dogs love I follow Moonbyul as she gives a short tour of the apartment. We end up sitting on her couch with the four the dogs between us.

"So..? I'm not really good at these get to know each other things.."

Apparently my truthful statement makes the the famous star let out a giggle. I sip on my drink as she calms herself down before talking.

"I'll go first then. My favourite food is tanghulu, I like to drink coke, I love annoying the other members and I love camping"

I nod, using her as an example to make my list.

"My favourite food is tteokbokki, I like ice water, I like pushing my limits, nature is one of my favourite things and.. I love dancing"

I watch her as she nods thinking to herself. Is she thinking of more or are we ending it at this..

"I am an ESTP, wearing red underwear is lucky for me, my style is ambiguous and I don't like tea"

Well that is an odd arrangement of information..

"I am an ESFJ, I really like lilies, my style is whatever I feel and I don't like veggies"

I gently pet Daebak as he rests his head on my lap, clearly comfy. I look to Moonbyul as she has a playful expression.

"I want the line between femininity and masculinity to be blurred, I like performing and greasy is my middle name~"

I shiver cringing at her statement, my face heating up as she moves forward, her hand resting on my thigh, making many thoughts fly around my jumbled head.


This woman..

Heya Moomooooos~ I hope you enjoyed this update. It seems Moonbyul is getting more comfy with Saemi~

Word Count: 1208

Ps: Sorry this was uploaded now! I thought I uploaded it with Chapter 8 but apparently I didn't.. But I have uploaded it now!

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