Chapter Forty

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I get out of the car, quickly shutting the door behind me. We rented out a small hall for the fan meeting we are holding. We also made a bunch of gift bags for our fans to take after the meeting. I go to the back of the vehicle, helping the staff take out all of the gift bags that I have prepared. I follow the staff members into the hall, a grin forming on my face as I see my lover setting up the gift bag table.

I go over to her, setting down the gift bags before wrapping my arms around her. I peck her cheek, as a smile graces her perfect lips.

"How is the table? It looks amazing already"

I rest my head on her shoulder, looking towards the gift bags laid upon the table in front of us as her arm snakes around my waist.

"Thank you, we only need to set up your half of the gift bags"

I nod softly at my attention moves to the clock hanging above us. 2:15 pm.

"Doesn't the fan meeting start at 2:30?"

I look back to the woman next to me as she also looks to the clock.

"Yeah it does.. We should probably hurry up and set up the rest of the gifts.."

I nod agreeing with her and I quickly help her set up the rest of the gift bags we have made. Once we are done we stand behind the table, waiting for our fans to arrive. Slowly our fans enter the hall and we greet everyone as they enter.

It doesn't take long for the hall to fill with the limited amount of fans. We have 200 seats set out which is perfect because we have 200 gift bags.

We quickly start chatting with our fans. Our fan meeting is going to be pretty short so we want to try and fit everything we want to do in, chatting is one of them.

We quickly move onto questions, allowing the fans to ask us any questions that they have.

"How long have you two been together?"

I look to Moonbyul as she answers the question.

"About seven months now I believe. We are getting closer to a year~"

A grin rests on my face as she pulls me closer to her.

"What is it like being in a relationship while also being famous?"

I wrap my hand around Moonbyuls gently squeezing.

"It is quite hard actually.. To be constantly watched and judged for being who I am is really draining.. But I am really lucky to have Byul by my side. She's really good at comforting me and she is a really loving person"

A smile rests on my face as I look to Moonbyul, awaiting a fan to ask another question. I look back at the fans as one gets up to ask.

"What is it like dating Saemi?"

I gulp softly at the slightly personal question that Moonbyul has just been asked. Hopefully she doesn't give out anything too personal..

"Well.. I can tell you that it is the best relationship I have ever been in. She is an amazing girlfriend and is honestly really good at taking care of me. She is amazing at giving hugs and she is genuinely the best person to love"

My face heats up slightly at her words. A grin makes it's way onto my face and I hug her tightly, embarrassment running throughout me. After a short while of everyone laughing I pull away from her, looking towards the fans ready for the next question. 

"Since we have Moonbyuls perspective, what is it like dating Moonbyul?"

I think about how to answer that question, a slightly evil grin on my face.

"Well.. Moonbyul is a really loving person. She loves hugs, kisses, everything like that. At times she is a little clingy but she truly is a loving woman. And I don't miss being single for a second"

I smile widely as Moonbyul quickly kisses my face, holding me close to her. Giggles erupt from me as she doesn't let me go from her grasp. I stare at Moonbyul as she pulls me into a loving embrace as the fans scream and yell in the background. As we pull away we look to the time. 

"Wow guys, it's already ten past one! Let's get on and give out the gift bags and take photos!" 

I watch the fans as they all get up and follow the staffs instructions to get in a line. We spend the next forty minutes having a small chat with individual fans while taking photos and giving out the gift bags we have made for them. When we are done we wave goodbye to our fans before they leave the hall. We help staff close up and clean up, however it doesn't take that long. After a short discussion with the staff members me and Moonbyul get in the back of Haerins car. I do up my seatbelt, leaning against Moonbyul as we wait for Haerin.

"Today was fun.."

I look to Moonbyul, planting a soft kiss on her cheek before resting my head back on her shoulder. 

"Yeah.. It was.." 

I let out a soft sigh as I get comfortable in the back seat, not prepared for what is about to unfold..

MERRY CHRISTMAS MOOMOOOOOOOOOS!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chappieeee~ I would have loved to attend this fan meet, Saebyul are so fucking cuteeee. I hope you had a really good christmas!! I FINALLY have a laptop now so updates should be quicker and more often!


I am sad to say this.. But we are close to finishing Follow The Script 😭 we have only five more chapters till the end.

Well.. I hope you will enjoy the end of this fanfiction. And I hope you will also enjoy my upcoming fanfiction!

It is definitely a.. Saucy one 👀

Over the next five chapters you will get hints and snippets of Bosses Little Secret.

Word Count: 1013

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