Chapter Nineteen

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A pout sits on my lips as I stare at many flower arrangements stood before me. I look to Haerin as she walks over with a basket in hand.

"Haerin.. What do you think looks the best?"

I stare into the endless floral mountain as she picks out an arrangement full of different flowers.

It's perfect. I look down to my phone as it vibrates in my pocket. I get it out, looking at the message.

Moon Byulyi: Take out sounds good ;D

I sigh softly putting my phone back in my pocket, grabbing a couple snacks for on the way to RBW.

"Haerin? Are there any good take out stores around here?"

I walk to her, putting the snacks in the basket she is holding. I watch her as she thinks before going on her phone to search.

"There is a pizza place nearby"

Me: Pizza?

Moon Byulyi: 👌🏻

I shake my head at Moonbyuls reply and I pay for my things before exiting the store. I walk to PizzaStar with Haerin, looking at the menu from outside. They have pizza's shaped like stars? I guess the name makes sense.. Going regular would be the safest..

I thank Haerin as she takes my bag, going back to her car before I enter the fast food store. I go to the counter, ordering a large pepperoni pizza and a large cheese pizza with some Tteokkboki as an extra.

I scroll through Instagram as I wait for it to be made. Once it is done I leave, going to Haerins car. I get in resting the food on my lap. I grab my drink from the convenience store bag and I sip on it.

"So.. What is this for exactly..?"

"Well I will be meeting Mamamoo today so I wanted to make a good impression.."

I pout at her slight giggle and I look out of the window, staring at the scenery.

I smile softly as we approach the building. When we stop outside I leave the car, holding everything. I thank Haerin before I enter the building. I look around not really remembering the layout.

I move to the elevator quickly texting Moonbyul.

Me: What floor are you on?

A huff escapes my lips as I don't get a reply. I pick a random floor, moving up to the seventh floor. I raise an eyebrow hearing loud music and shouting. What in the hell is happening?

I leave the elevator, walking down the hallway trying to follow the loud noises. I move closer to the loud screaming and shouting. Once I arrive at the source of the noise I peek in, seeing Mamamoo playing around.

I  slowly open the door and I walk in, taking them by suprise.


I watch them as they stare, embarrassment evident on some of their faces. I watch Moonbyul as her face lights up, rushing to me.

"Saemi! You made it!"

I gulp softly as she wraps her arms around me, bringing me into an embrace. I move my free arm around her waist

"Everyone, this is Saemi. My fake girlfriend"

I watch them as they greet me politely.

"It's about time we met your lover~"

I giggle softly as Moonbyul introduces us. Hwasa, Wheein and Solar.. I'll have to get to know them..

"I brought flowers and pizza. I thought while you are on a break we can get to know eachother"

I smile as Moonbyul gently takes the pizza's and sets them on a table that sits in the corner of the room. I follow everyone to the table and I sit with them. We spend the rest of the evening chatting and eating.

They're very nice, and I'm glad I met them. I look to Moonbyul smiling softly, embracing this new warm feeling. Love.. It's new.. And inviting.. But what do I do with it..?

Heya Moomooooos~ Sorry this update has been very.. Off. I've had a hard time writing but I don't want to put this story on hold so I just wanted to sat sorry in advance if the future updates are not together and coordinated. I'm trying my best!

Word Count: 694

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