Chapter Ten

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AUTHOR: The amount of kind messages I have received is just unreal! I am so glad you are enjoying this book, and I hope to finish it as soon as i can 💖

Also, comment! I love reading them!

Nova Johnson

I was meant to get drinks with Ilene, but she had to cancel because her mum fell down some stairs, I could tell it was a lie, but I thought nothing off it. I slam my locker shut after pushing my books in, as I step back to pick my light bag now.

I then hear gasps coming from the hallway, I look to the side and my eyes widen once I see Leo. His face was bruised. This spreading purple with yellow blotches is only the surface wound; his eyes stared into mine, and when I thought, he was going to do something to me, he simply walked past.

Deep down, my guts told me that Alex maybe did this...after what I told him last night. I walk away from my locker, and rush towards my car. Once I am safe in my car, I depart to my apartment. I drove like a mad woman on the loose and I am shocked that no one has caught me so far.

I park and jump out of my car, tripping on my feet.

"Nova, you, okay?" The receptionist, Michael asks me.

"Fine!" I yell rushing up the stairs, it took me around ten minutes to reach my level.

Once I do, I stand in front of his door and knock. I knock crazily, waiting for him to open the door. "Alexander! I know you're in there!" My fists bang against the door until it open, Alexander leans on his door frame as he wraps his hands with a black bandage.


"That was not your fight to take." I guess you could say I was angry, angry because-well-I guess because no one has ever had my back before. I am used to this, used to being and acting out alone. And I do not appreciate someone else fighting my own battles. He looks at me like I'm some lost tourist as he continues to tighten the bandage.

"It was not your fight in the first place," he whispers.

His teeth grip the one side of the bandage as he rips it off, butterflies swarm my stomach.

"Now did you come to just say that?"

"You could have gotten hurt! He could have hurt you and then you'd blame me for the rest of my life!" I guess I was just making excuses so I could see him more often, talk to him, see his face, hear his voice and imagine his lips on mine. This man is slowly taking over my body...and he doesn't even know it.

"No one hurts me Nyla, I do the hurting."

"Thank you, Alex." I mumble, stepping away from his door as I turn to unlock mine. I pick out the wrong key, looking back to see him staring at me.

"Struggling?" He asks.

"No, no." I look for the right key, and suddenly. It has disappeared, I did not attach it to my car key-oh fuck-oh fuck-oh fuck no! I suck in my bottom lip and slowly turn around to face Alexander, he raises a brow of amusement. "So-it seems that I have forgotten my key inside..."

"Oh, what a shame." He slams his door closed, and I swear if I had super aid hearing-I would know that he is laughing right now.

I text my landlord asking for a spare key and wait for her reply.

Hours pass by my body slumps down my door, I take out a tennis ball and begin to throw it against the floor, allow it to bounce on the wall and then back to me. My foot kicks the floor at the same time.

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