Chapter Eighteen

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Nova Johnson

Alexander is fast asleep, his arm around my neck and his face this time facing me. His hearing aids had been removed, and he was now left vulnerable; my thumb brushes against his cheeks as I examine every feature of his face whilst holding a bowl of his cereal in my hand.

I guess you could say I felt happy of some sort, Alexander brought something out of me. And yes, he may be a stubborn, prideful man but he is actually okay when you get to know him.

Alexander has beautiful eyes, and lips.

And his ears are nice to.

Thank god he's deaf, so he doesn't hear me snore at night. I am a loud snorer, I definitely got it from my dad or something. The birds rule the early morning, as they are enamoured with the sunrise with their beautiful, feathered plumes.

The drapes impart an orange hue to the early light, resulting in a magnificent sunrise every morning. It reminds me of sleeping in a beach cottage and watching the ocean appear behind the golden sheen.

For a brief while, my mind conjures the rhythmic waves lapping at the sandy shore, and my pulse beats at the same sluggish cadence. I take a long breath in. A new day has started.

Alexander slowly blinks awake; I continue to scroll down my Instagram feed with the bowl of cereal on my lap. I look down and smile, he turns his body to reach for his hearing aids before sliding them on. "Good morning you little shit, no boob grasping today?" I chuckle out, "they were there for you all night."

Alexander glances down at my cereal, before throwing the covers over his head. I set it to the side and lay onto his body, like a starfish on a rock. Alexander opens his eyes only a little to see me smiling, "Alexander."


"You're really shit at this romantic thing; you know that right?"

"Says the one who said, 'good morning you little shit'" He mumbles, I let out a long laugh as he rests on his back. I tower over him, my legs straddling his stomach as I brush my fingers through his hair.

"Did you want me to say something else? Like good morning baby, I missed you..." My lips gently touch his own, I leave little pecks across his jaw. Alexanders nose brushes against mine, I feel him harden against my thighs.

"I think the first option was better." I smile against his neck; Alexanders hands slide under the covers before grasping my ass into his bare palms.

I rest my head onto his shoulder, my fingers playing along the strands of his hair as I straddled him. We hear the neighbours above us playing a great Gatsby themed song, I lift my head up in shock as my eyes lock with Alexanders.

I jump of the bed, grab Alexanders hand in mine before yanking him off the bed. I have forgotten this man's height, and weight. He groans and begs to stay in the bed, but I gain enough strength to pull him off. "Nova-"

"Dance with me, come on."

"I'm not fucking dancing with you Nova," I take his hand and slip it around my waist before resting one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hands.

He sighs as we begin dancing to the music above us, I could not stop the laughter coming out of my mouth as I press my head against his heart. It was beating fast, maybe because of the way I dragged him out of his bed, or I was making his heartbeat like this. I twirl around with his arms attached to mine and he pulls me back to him, surprisingly.

His forehead gently presses onto mine, our lips hover against one another and the tip of our noses touch. "Alexander."


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