Chapter Seventeen

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Nova Johnson

Mature 🔞

"What do you fear Nova, well excepts for heights?"

"Excuse me?"

"I said, what do you fear?" He cages me against the island counter, both his biceps blocking me from escaping into any direction.

"Do you expect me to say you? Because you do not scare me Alex, you do not scare me a single bit." His lips upturn into a smirk.

"What if I do this?" He grabs me gently by the neck and pushes me against him, "I have your life in my very hands Nova. I can snap your neck into half and kill you, or I can push you down onto my bed and fuck you until you say my name right."

I had no idea what got ahead of me, I press my lips against his. I did it. I did the first move, and he did not hesitate to kiss me back. 

My head was filled with warning sirens, but it served no purpose. 

My body roared loudly during his tentative, gentle kiss, drowning out all other sounds. His gentle lips made tentative, testing contact with mine, and I responded. His tongue forced its way into my mouth, catching mine.

As our reckless kiss intensified, he took a quick breath through his nose, but it did not stop him from probing my mouth. 

His palm pushed me toward him from behind as his hold on my face tightened. His luscious tongue caressed my lips and brushed up against mine, sending chills down my legs. Because I was afraid, I would break the spell, I was unable to think, breathe, or even move as he kissed me.

Alexander grabs my jaw and removes his lips from mine. His eyes lock with mine, as if seeking any sort of permission, he can gain. 

My mouth finds his, and it gave him the answer he so desperately needed. He grabs me and we begin walking backwards.

 As he moved in and began to drag me backwards toward the wall, I almost fell over. 

He withdrew his hand from behind my back and pressed his palm against the wall next to my head. His lips drag down my neck, which caused shivers through my body.

He lightly sucked, and a sharp electric shock shot straight between my legs. I had my hands clenched around his t-shirt and my arms were around his waist.

I should not have liked it, but man, did it feel good. The battle between my head and body grew more intense as the room alternated between being scalding hot and icy cold. I also became feverish and shivering. His mouth followed the contour of my neck back up until it sealed over mine.

My fingers linger around his towel as his graze the hem of my shirt, he takes charge and slides it over my head before throwing it onto the ground. 

His finger slides the strap down and it falls off my shoulder, his teeth catch my tongue as his hands slowly move towards the back of my bra. He had me pressed up against the wall, I could feel him through the towel.

He unclasps my bra and slides it down my arms, which I slide off and to the side. I bowed against the wall, arching my back, causing his hand to lower. 

His fingers brushed against my skin, aiming for the curve of my breast. 

His thumb brushes against my nipples, and his lips leave mine before moving down my neck, to my chest, and clasping my nipples into his mouth.

My fingers rush through the back of his hair, I moan inaudibly. It teased as his fingers traced and grasped at my other nipple. 

As the sensations heated me to a thousand degrees, I sighed. The throb in my core became louder and more insistent by the second. My hands slide down his biceps before tugging on his towel, he look into my eyes before lifting me up and around his waist.

We enter the bedroom; he walks until his bed was in view. He slowly drops me down onto the mattress which sunk me in before towering over me. 

His lips travel down my stomach, he unbuttons my jeans and tugs down onto it. I raise my body to help him pull it off, he throws it to the side. My black lace underwear was the only thing in sigh, "you're fucking beautiful Nova."

He spreads my legs out, his hands sliding down to my inner thigh. My hands brush over his shoulders, he looks up at me and slides my underwear off. 

He pushes my legs wider apart; his thumb brushes my clit. "Oh," I moaned. He rubs onto my clit, in a perfect motion. I head falls back onto the pillow.

I could see how cloudy his vision had become. His words were dripping with desire. "Fuck, Nova." I shuddered, enjoying his heavy and sexual tone, unable to stop myself. "You're fucking wet already."

"Alexander please." I ached for him.

"That's right, that's my name Nova. Not Alex. Alexander. That is all I want to hear coming out of your mouth." He sinks down near my pussy, his breath hovers over my entrance. 

He looked up at me, those dangerous blue eyes knowing exactly what he's doing to me. It was just his breath first, until I feel his tongue slide across my clit- flicking it back and forth slowly over my swollen nub. 

Every flick of his tongue caused my body to come of the mattress, he held me down with his hands as they slowly move up towards my breasts.

I whimpered watching him, his thumb grazes my nipples and I grab onto his wrists. Suddenly, his mouth closed up against me entirely. 

His tongue laps on my arousal, "Alexander!" I moan loudly, suddenly feeling all the heat rushing into my stomach. My fingernails dig into his wrists as my thighs tighten around his head. He watched as he pleasured me, catching every gasp and every moan that he is causing. 

His hands grab onto my waist, then wrap themselves around my thighs. He would suck and lick me again and again, building the tension towards my orgasm which I could feel coming anytime soon.

"Alexander-Alexander I need to-I need to cum." I moan out, closing my eyes tightly. I feel him smiling against me, his teeth scratch my clit and before I know it.

I break down, all over him. 

I cummed all over his mouth, screaming his name whilst I was at it. 

The entire apartment could hear us, and he had no intention on keeping me silent. No, he wanted everyone to hear me moaning his name.

Alexander towers over me and kisses me, he assures that I taste myself.

Sweat glistens on my naked body, Alexander brings my leg to rest on his waist. "That's my name Nova. Don't forget it." He settles down beside me.

"You done this before." I whisper, still in shock from that amazing orgasm. I bring the covers over my legs and rest it onto my naked body as I slowly sit up, Alexander rests an arm underneath his head before turning to look at me.

"That was my first time, Nova." 

My eyes nearly leave their sockets, "what?"

"You heard me." 

"But-but look at you-you-" 

"I what Nova? You know I hate it when people touch me, it angers me, so why would you think I would have done that before? I hate physical touch."

"But-I hugged you last time."

"When you do it-for some reason it calms me down. You calm me down Nova," his hands drag down my face before swirling around my curls. "Stay the night." 


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