Multum Deceptionis

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Big Mama is just so hard to write with her fake wordsssss. I need a Big Mama dictionary because none of these feel rightttt but I hope they do the job and aren't too jarring for people.

Oh and thanks to Ossa for the title! It means Deal of Deception!

"Well? What do you think of Big Mama's whiz bang, my little turtley boo?"

Leo was very aware of the single claw at his throat and resisted the urge to gulp.

"Oh dear," she sighed, "None of that flambosious talk from that silver tongue of yours?"

Leo simply kept his eyes locked on his three siblings on the screens.

"Oh!" He would recognise that smirk of hers anywhere, "It seems the games are about to begin! Get comfy, little turtley boo!" Her tone shifted with her form and Leo couldn't fight the gulp back quick enough, "We have a deal to discuss."

Leo really hoped that the blood dripping down his neck wasn't any form of foreshadowing.


Leo closed his eyes and looked away, waiting for the cry of pain and bloodthirsty cheers.

They never came.

Leo risked a glance back at the screen to see his big brother on the ground but unharmed. He smiled and let out a faint sigh of relief, ignoring the liquid building in his eyes and dripping down his throat.

"Now that was chummily close, wasn't it? The little giggly ghost doesn't seem to like your dear brother very much, does he?"

Big Mama didn't turn, but Leo watched her hand tense and the claw moved from his throat. He ignored the slight sting in his throat and returned his eyes to the screens. Hypno hadn't made a move yet and Donnie was still explaining the rules. Mikey just seemed to be having fun, but those snakes seemed really hungry. Raph...

Raph had always been good at taking hits, but this?

Leo had never felt so scared before.

"Come now," Big Mama tapped the chair next to her, "We have a dimbly deal to discuss."

Leo watched as Raph began to yell at Ghostbear and his fists clenched.

"You do want to be of some use to them, correct?"

Leo's breath caught in his throat. His siblings were being used as entertainment by this woman and he was doing nothing.

What could he even do?

He glanced at the spider in front of him. There was one thing he could do, but...

Don't trust her.

Leo was scared and he didn't know what to do and-

He flinched as Raph and Ghostbear leaped at the troll.

He wanted his big brother.


"Well then," Big Mama grinned as Leo collapsed into the chair beside her, her champion hovering close to him the entire time, claw hovering over his throat, "How about that dimbly deal?"


It couldn't be true, could it? Raph was his indestructible big brother. This... this was his hibernator move, right? It had to be. Raph was fine when they drove the tank into the Hudson River!

"Two brothers left," The spider clapped her hands, "How many turtly boos am I going to have snippety snip off our family tree before you talk, little blue?"

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