Chapter 1.

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Heyo! This is my first fanfic! I hope you all enjoy it! I want to let you know there will be sensitive topics such as abuse, rape, pedophilia, and more. Please do not read if you're sensitive. I love all my little babies which are all of you guys! So if you need to vent or a friend I'd love to listen! I also accept constructive criticism but nothing rude! This is a safe place for all!! Love you guys and please comment so I know someone's reading and it's good or not! Thanks!

Robins Pov.

I was walking to school while looking for a certain someone. This someone had curly brown hair that bounced as he walked and the most preciosa (precious) smile in the world. I may or may not love him. Like a lot. Like more than a friend that you’d risk your life for. Yeah, I knew I had fallen in deep. As I continued my walk I heard the voice I’ve been yearning to hear since I woke up.

“Hey! Robin!” I look over to the owner of that gorgeous voice and see him. Finney. The love of my life and my only happiness. I see him say goodbye to Gwen quickly before running towards me. I watch as his lovely brown curls bounce as he skips to me with a smile that rivals even the sun. “Hey Robin! Wanna walk to class with me?” We both had different classes but they were directly across from each other.

“Sure Finney. Let’s go.” I smile back at him as we then start our trek side by side.

“Hey Robin?” I look over to show him I’m listening as he continues. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me after school today? I’m planning on launching a rocket by the baseball field again.” I see him look down as his eyes hold hope and some fear. I give him a big smile as I respond.

“Of course Finney! I would love to!” How could I say no to him? I know how much he loves science and space. Every time he talks about it his eyes light up and his smile becomes even brighter. Before I turn my head back I see his cheeks flush a bit and I can’t help but giggle at his cuteness.

We finally arrive at the doors and we both say our goodbyes. As I walk away I can’t help but glance back to see Finney sitting at his desk getting his favorite pen out.  How I wish the day goes by quickly.

~Time skip to after school.~

Once the bell rings I practically run out to the front of the school to wait for Finney. I only wait for about two minutes before I see him. He runs up with that gorgeous smile again. As he gets closer I notice something on his face by his lip. It looks like a cut?

“Hey Robin. Did you wait long?” Before he could speak more I quickly cut in ignoring his question.

“What happened to your face? Who did this?” I could see him freeze in shock for a second before he answered.

“Oh. Don’t worry it was just an accident.” He smiled as though it was nothing but I didn’t believe him.

“Finney.” He stopped smiling and looked down. I put both of my hands on each side of his face and tilted it up so I could see him. “Finney, tell me who did this. You can’t let people hurt you. It’s wrong.” I could see his eyes avoiding my own as he responded.

“It was Matty. He caught me in the halls and tripped me. I fell and hit my lip. Sorry.” He looked like he was gonna cry after he finished. I hated seeing him sad.

“Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault so don’t ever apologize. It’s that shitwipes fault.” As my hands remained on his cheeks his eyes remained on the ground. “Are you ok Finney? He didn’t hurt you anywhere else did he?” My voice may have come out rougher than I wanted but I had to know how hard to beat Matty when given the chance. He finally looked at me as I then released my hold on him.

“No, he didn’t. Let’s go now. I wanted to show you my rocket, remember!” His voice automatically became happier as he recalled his rocket which I didn’t even notice was in his left hand. I smiled at his cuteness. I would definitely have a chat with Matty later.

“Of course! Then let’s get goin’.”  I grabbed his hand and we started walking to the baseball field.  

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