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Seastone's POV:

I stretched my wings as sunlight flooded the cave. I yawned, my tail scraping against the stone floor.

"Everyone up!" Storm called.

"Um, Storm?" Blizzard narrowed his eyes. "I'm thirteen... don't you think I know how to wake up in the morning?"

Storm muttered something to himself as Wind adjusted her rubellite necklace. Galaxy, who was an inch taller than me, let the sunlight flow through his silver wings as he stretched.

The tips of my wings scraped against rocks as we excited the big cave. We took off flying, like every morning. I sighed as I flew fast, blowing Blizzard back. The IceWing hybrid scowled, and continued flying. Since he'd started meditating, his anger had lowered, but since he was growing up, his scales had dimmed and became more pale-yellow. But, he still looked like an IceWing... with really weird scales.

"Where to go today?" Storm tilted his wings, examining the horizon.

"Can we just stay at the cave?" I begged. "Please?"

"Guess that sounds good," Blizzard agreed, shrugging. He glided west, tilting his wings in the direction of our cave. The hidden mountain was called Mountain of the Marshes, since it was right outside the Kingdom of Sea and was at the border of the Kingdom of Mud. I flew through the sunrise, landing inside the bright cave. I had to squint, because how bright it was. Galaxy sighed as he examined me, and whispered something. Since I had great hearing, my ears twitched and I heard one word,


Later that day, Blizzard taught Galaxy meditating, and the silver NightWing seemed to be happier. Storm put on his "I'm about to say something dramatic" face, but he was silent the rest of the day. When I wished it was rainy to keep my scales all earthy and moist, but it was super warm. I gasped. Then, I just remembered, I was half SeaWing! So that's why I'm so addicted to water, I thought, full of wonder. About a year ago, the other dragonets had told me I was a hybrid. I had terrible memory from my past so I can't really remember things.

"Seastone?" Wind asked. "Do you want to go to the lake?"

"Sure!!" I exclaimed happily, my tail swinging up. Yes! The lake! It's been so long! I jumped and swooped out of the cave, gliding East. I was the first one there and I dove right in. The water was a little chilly, but I've gotten used to it. I looked down at my scales, which were . . . glowing?

Different patterns on my scales were lighting up. Wait . . . Isn't that a SeaWing attribute?

But my scales are brown, not blue, how is that possible? I guess it's just my half-SeaWing thing. I swam across the cold, blue ocean, my tail thwacking several dotted black pebbles aside. Blizzard jumped in, nearly burying me under the waves. I tried to scream underwater, but they just faded into bubbles. I didn't have gills, I couldn't breathe underwater. My talons reached the surface, but my body didn't have enough strength to pull up. I flapped one last burst of energy as my whole world went black.

I was in a water city. Waterfalls layered the powerful mountains and a blue SeaWing with aqua eyes was in front of me.

"W-who are you?" I asked nervously, my talons shaking.

"Hi," she said, "I'm Vortex."

"Vortex!!" I nearly yelled, toppling over. "Um-I-who-"

"Seastone," Vortex said, squeezing my talons. "What a great pleasure it is to meet you. I haven't got a chance to do that yet." Her smile faded.

"Where are we?" I looked around. A bunch of dragons - SeaWings, IceWings, SandWings, SkyWings - were all scattered around the place. The green grass, which was warm and squishy, seemed to turn to ice.

"Whoa!" I yelled, surprised. "What was that?"

"Oh, that was just one of the IceWings," said Vortex. "Some of them are born to create anything with ice. But, only the royal family gets the gift."

I was about to ask another question when everything was sucked into one hole. I yelped, but my voice was just echoes in the distance. I was getting pulled closer and closer to something, but then, something burning hot hit my face.


"Please wake up."

"Shhhh! I think she's up!! Look! Look!"

I blinked my eyes open to see a burn across my snout. I groaned with pain.

"Are you alright?" Wind appeared in sight as my vision cleared, and the SkyWing heir wrapped her wings around me. I closed my eyes, feeling safe in her warm scales.

"I guess," I whispered. I touched my snout, which had smoke rising from it. I nearly cried from pain. Blizzard looked ashamed of himself.

"Oh my gosh, Blizzard, why did you think of that idea!!" Wind said to Blizzard. "Look how much pain she's in."

"Here," Blizzard said, breathing a plummet of frostbreath on the burn. "That should help." Frostbreath usually hurt a lot, but it didn't effect you when you're on fire. I guess this is the same situation, too. The burn felt a lot better, cooling down the heat. The raw red patch where the burn was on my snout dimmed and turned ash-black. I sighed with relief.

"Feel better?" Galaxy asked, stroking my frills.

"I guess." I said, touching the wound.

But then, a roar came from the cave entrance. And that was right before something slammed into my head.

Ground Shaking {Sequel to The True Fate} [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora