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Adrián and Agustín were dismayed with the dream that they had had separately, that they did not know what to think about it.

Likewise, they were very afraid, because they felt that they had already lived that life, a life with which they fell deeply in love and that they had vowed to love each other eternally.

After having dreamed of that other life, which was not alien to them, they felt a strong connection between them, as if a small vein was joining them for life.

There was also the fact that they lived, thanks to the multiple suicide attacks, which they had suffered along with New York and all New Yorkers.

Both of them felt distressed, before everything they had experienced, and for the first time in their lives, they did not know what to do or what to feel, and they had to think about everything they have lived, before making a decision.

The working day passed normal and calm, with the only difference being that the two avoided seeing each other, at all times and at all times.

Startled and scared, the two agreed that at two in the afternoon they had an important meeting, to see how the company was working.

But Agustín knew that Adrián had no choice but to be at the meeting; so, to avoid the uncomfortable situation, Agustín sent his secretary to be at the meeting for him, and after the meeting, tell him what the meeting was about.

While everyone was in the meeting, Agustín took the opportunity to put everything in order and advance the work, so that more than what he already had accumulated would not accumulate.

As soon as the meeting ended, Agustín's secretary immediately went to Agustín's office to tell him exactly what the meeting was about.

"Is Adrián going on a trip? Don't you know for how long? " Augustine asked.

"Mr. Adrián is leaving for two weeks. Before your trip, you want to have everything in order, "said the secretary.

"Very good, and thanks for the information, Teresa," said Agustín.

"You're welcome, boss," said Teresa smiling.

When Teresa was about to go to her office, the phone rings, and it is Adrián, who told Teresa, that Agustín go to her office.

Agustín was nervous about that meeting, but he knew he couldn't postpone it any longer; so, she plucked up her courage and went to meet Adrián.

"Come in, Agustín. I was waiting for you. Please close the door" said Adrián.

Indeed, that was exactly what Augustine did. The moment he entered Adrián's office, he closed the door.

"Come closer, please. I don't bite" said Adrián, in a tone of apparent calm.

Then, Agustín approached where Adrián was, and in a matter of seconds, they were kissing passionately.

While that passionate kiss lasted, the two felt the fear of the other and the desire that both had and felt to be together. On the other hand, the two of them felt relieved, because they were finally together.

"Agustín, in two days, I have to travel to Rome and it is for business; so, you are in charge of the company, "said Adrián, having his breath caught by that passionate kiss.

"Why are you putting me in charge of your company?" Agustín asked, taking the same breath between cuts as Adrián, from that passionate kiss.

"Because I fully trust you. Of all the people who work in the company, you are the most capable of all, to take command of my company "said Adrián, kissing Agustín again.

"I do not know. It's a lot of responsibility. Besides, I don't want to disappoint your confidence "said Agustín, returning each of the kisses to Adrián.

"Look, what we can do is the following and that is that, from this moment, you and I are going to work shoulder to shoulder, so that you are soaked in running the company. If you feel that you cannot handle this, then I will look for someone else, but I want you to be in charge of my company, because only in you I trust ", finished saying Adrián while hugging Agustín.

"Okay, I will try it. But I don't promise anything, "Agustín finally said.

From that moment, until the day Adrián left, Agustín was working with him, observing everything and realized that, if he could be in charge of the company, and Adrián left calmly, leaving Agustín in command of his company.

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