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It was a bright, sunny, early May day that had weather so fair Draco and Teddy just couldn't resist going out to play. Andromeda had dropped Teddy off to his cousin early that morning. With all the sunlight and fresh air on this brilliant early spring day, Draco and Teddy decided to start a small vegetable garden. After they had gathered all their needed plants and tools the set to work clearing a corner of the backyard.

* * *

"Ewww! What's this?" He asked Draco with a slightly disgusted, slightly awed facial expression. Draco turned from where he had been raking the rows into the garden for the plants to be lined up in to Teddy.

"That, Teddy, is a worm," he explained as Teddy's eyes (a brilliant dark grass green today) turned the size of saucers.

"A worm!" Teddy said excitedly his face half way lighting up before falling to a very worried curious look, "What's a worm?"

Draco just shook his head at his little three year old cousin. "Worm is a type of tiny animal that lives in the dirt. It makes lots of different tunnels that help the rain go into the ground better. They are also very good for a garden." He explained.

"Oh, then I like worms."

"Do you now?"


"Well that's good for you, Teddy. Now lets get back to work."

"Do you like worms?" Teddy asked innocently.

"Errr... they're ok I guess."

"Do you want to hold it? Its really squiggly and wet and cool!" Teddy said raising the worm up behind Draco's head to show him.

"No th-ahhhh," Draco squealed as he jumped away from the worm that had been thrust into his face when he turned his head to decline Teddy's offer.

"Draco! Draco are you ok?" Teddy asked taking a step closer since Draco had jumped about a yard away when he saw the worm.

"I'm fine. Just put that down. No! Not there! Over there where you found it."

Teddy went to walk away his head slightly lower after being scowled at when an idea hit him.



"You're not 'fraid of worms, are you?"

Draco's back straightened up a little more than normal and in a weird cold voice that Teddy had never heard before he replied, "I am a Malfoy, and Malfoys are not scared of anything."

Teddy took a step closer looking up at his cousins rigid shoulders and back, and did something nobody but him and maybe one other would get away with; he dropped a worm on Draco Malfoys head.

"AHHHHHH GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Draco jumped up from where he was crouching and shrieked at the top of his lungs when he felt the worm in his hair.

"HA I KNEW YOU WAS 'FRAID OF WORMS!" Teddy said while laughing so hard he fell over.

"Teddy its not funny and don't you dare tell anyone about this! Do you understand me?"

"Ya ya I got it 'cause you're a Malfoy and Malfoys ain't 'fraid of nothin'."

* * *

"Look Draco, I found another one! How many does that make?" Teddy asked holding up his new found prize.

"That makes twenty-seven worms, twelve snails, and a frog," Draco replied tiredly. They had been working since the early hours of the morning and it was already getting quite late.

"Wow! That's a lot right?" Teddy asked excitedly.

"Yup, one more than the last time you asked. Two more than the time before that."

"Wow i must of found the mostest of anyone in the world!" Teddy exclaimed brightly.

"Found the mostest what?" came a low soothing voice from the back steps on the town house, one Draco had been waiting to hear since he got out of bed at his usual time to find the owner of said voice already awake and gone.

"Harry we found twenty billion worms and snails and a frog today! And I found out that Draco's 'fraid of worms but don't tell him I told you 'cause I'm not supposed to tell anyone" Teddy whispered happily running to give his godfather a messy, dirty hug around his knees. When he finally pulled away from hugging Harry's knees, he turned to Draco and shouted," DRACO, Dra-"

"Shh," Harry said covering his mouth," I'm going to go surprise him, so stay here OK?"

"OK," came the cheerful reply.

Harry quietly stalked to the other end off the garden, the one away from the house and picked up the biggest worm he could find out of Teddy's pile.

He took the worm and quietly walked towards Draco's tall, lean frame. He could just barely hear Teddy giggling in the background.When he got close enough he dropped the wiggling creepy crawler on his husbands glimmering platinum hair.

"Eeeeeekkkke! Teddy I told you-" Draco squealed while brushing the worm of his head, only to stop when he heard deep chuckles that definitely did not belong to Teddy.

Draco sighed as to long strong tan arms wrapped themselves around his midsection, stopping his wiggling and relaxed.

"Happy to see me?" Harry asked rubbing his face into Draco's shoulder. Draco turned around carefully so as not to break Harry's hold around his waist. Harry raised his head to look into Draco's eyes and had, like every time he looks at him, his breath taken away by just how magnificent they were in their cool, liquid metal like colour, and their brightness.

Draco leaned in and gently kissed Harry. As he pulled away he said slowly and quietly,"Of course I am. Now that your home YOU get to finish the rest of the garden."

And with that he pulled out of Harry's grip and handed him a trowel, before bolting for the door.

"Good luck!" Draco said before ducking in the house.

"What? But Draco I can't garden! Draco? DRACO!"


Hey *hysterical laughter* here! Thanks for reading this and don't be afraid to comment on any of the prompts we post.

Keep it insane out there,

*hysterical laughter*

(quote of the day: The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul. -Alfred Austin)


Siren here. Some of you may have noticed laughter earlier said maniacal instead of hysterical. I'm here to fix that. Crazy person can't even remember their name. Enjoy reading!

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