1:1 This Is The Part Where You Run

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This Is The Part Where You Run
Part 2

This Is The Part Where You RunPart 2————

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Alaric laughed. "We teach that, too." But he was quick to change subject. "I have some questions about Rafael."

Landon looked at Alaric. "Like what?" You were also intrigued as to what he wanted to ask.

"Well, let's start with who he killed recently." Alaric said, dead serious.

Landon looked at me and you looked at him. Hope looked between us, knowing we knew something. You didn't want to say anything and he didn't so you both looked at the Saltzman disgusted and confused by the question. 'How are we going to get out of this...' You think to yourself.


Landon and You looked at the Saltzman. "Why would you ask us that?" You questioned.

Alaric intervened, speaking in a soothing tone—which did not soothe us—to prevent us from overreacting to the question. "The werewolf gene lies dormant until he carrier takes a human life. If Rafael triggered his curse, it's... because he killed someone." Alaric held still. Hope nodded her head in approval. Landon turned to face you, and you returned the gaze, urging him not to speak. "And we don't accept cold blooded killers into our program."

'Cold blooded killer?' You thought, causing it to get on your nerves. "He's not a killer." You replied to the remark while gritting your teeth. Hope opened her eyes and saw a very slight flicker in the light. Hope inquired how it could flicker and then turned to face you. She pushed away the thought that she couldn't possibly be a witch.

The auburn haired girl spoke up. "We're not trying..." Quickly, she was cut off from Landon backing you up.

"He not... a killer."  Landon repeated, looking at you and giving a small smile before turning back to look the the other two.

Alaric nodded, he saw that you two were making it very clear that he wasn't, but still needing proof, Alaric continued. "Well, i know a little bit about his background. Neglectful birth parents. Orphaned in adolescence. Six foster homes in seven years. Prone to fits of anger." Alaric was cut short.

Landon decided to speak up. "Yeah, you could just as easily be reading my file..." You also understood why Landon merely said his file because you knew you hadn't experienced what Rafael and he had. "That's what it's like out there for people like him and me."

Hope butted in. "Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but we're only trying to help." Hope stopped looking at me then back at Landon. I've been going here since I was seven. This is a safe place for people like Rafael." Hope paused, taking a quick glance at Alaric before looking back at your brother. "It's a home.

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