chapter 1

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Silence can be deafening when you're all alone. Usually I don't mind it, but with one brother having basically disappeared off the face of the earth and the other in hell, there's not much entertainment around here.

Luckily Bobby had taken pity on me and let me stay and sulk till I felt better, which, surprisingly I never did.

Growing up, not being a full Winchester had never bothered me or the boys and they never treated me any differently. I was close to both of them but especially Dean, he was only a teenager when I was born and he had been there more for me than my real dad. John always had pity in his eyes, pity and anger, pity because his one night stand dumped me in a parking lot of a hotel where when you check in, you can pay by the hour. Anger because she dumped me on them, mostly Dean but John still had to put up with me. Sam told me to ignore him, his anger, but it's hard to when your a toddler and your dad gets drunk and calls you a mistake. That was the only time I've ever seen Dean actually want to hurt dad.

Dean going to hell crushed me, broke my heart and pushed me forward all at once. Remembering that night is something I try to avoid but it's always in my nightmares, his lifeless green eyes and the blood soaked floor, the splatters on his face.

Dean had made Sam promise not to leave me behind or alone, knowing that even though I'm tough, I'm still pretty sensitive but unfortunately he broke the promise the second we got back to Bobby's.

He told me I was able to be on my own, that a hunter in there 20s should be able to do so without freaking out and if they can't, they're pathetic. I should also point out that he was saying this as he pushed me out of the way for the door so he could leave.

Fucker even took baby.

"Y/N, I need you to do me a favor," Bobby said coming into the kitchen

Bobby had always been like a father to us, teaching us things outside of hunting that we knew dad would never approve of.

The bags under his eyes were purple and his bread was bushy and messy, he smelled of day old whiskey and tobacco but through all that, I still looked at him and seen my hero.

"Can you run into town for some supplies? We're running low," he sighed

"Of course Bobby,"

Standing up from the table, I grabbed the list from his hand and kissed his cheek, making him smile a little. After not paying attention to the weather in months, I noticed the sun was shining and left my jacket hanging up, flinging the door open, only to bump into a chest.

The wind was slightly knocked outta me and I huffed and looked up.

"Surprise," It was Dean's voice

The expression on my face must've been hilarious cause he smirked at bit and walked into the house. Stumbling back from him, I slammed my back in the entry way wall and continued to stare at him.

"What the hell did you do now," Bobby sighed when he walked over to me

When he seen Dean, his face paled, and his eyes went wide. Making eye contact with me, he gave me subtle nod to get behind him.

"Dean?" He questioned, his voice shaking

I watched over his shoulder, not hearing what "Dean" was saying but watching as some asshole wore my older brothers face. A quick blink and Bobby went on the attack, pushing me into the living room and gently as he could and away from the danger. They fought clear into the kitchen, the creature screaming that he was Dean the entire time.

"HOLD ON," Dean screamed

Moving to the corner of the wall, I watched as he put a chair between him and Bobby, keeping a good amount of distance between them.

"Your name is Robert Singer, you're a hunter and the closest thing I have to a father," Dean panted out, one hand on the chair and the other in front of him

The words didn't seem to matter to Bobby as they started fighting again. I watched as the knife was wrestled from his hand and the creature moved back a few paces.

"Watch," he took the sliver blade to his forearm, cutting into it with a grunt

When he was done, he threw the knife on the table.

"Dean," Bobby's voice was more emotional than I've ever heard

"That's what I've been trying to tell you,"

Bobby huffed and pulled him into a tight hug, Dean hugging back just as hard.

"It's so good to see you boy," Bobby chuckled

Without being seen, I snuck a flask into Bobby's hand and watched as he threw it into Dean's face. With the ever present Winchester bitch face, he spit the water out of his mouth and slightly glared at Bobby.

"I'm not a demon either ya know,"

"Can't be too careful," I mumbled

"Hey sissy," Dean grinned at me

He side stepped Bobby and slowly made his way to me, looking me over as he always did to check on me.

"Hey Dean," I had tears in my eyes and I smiled as best as I could at him

Giving me a sad smile, he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug making me sob. One hand rested on the back of my head and his other arm wrapped around my back.

"I missed you so much," I cried into his chest

He didn't say a word, just kissed my forehead and rocked me back and forth in his arms. It was the one place in the world where I knew I would always be safe, nothing could touch me or hurt me as long as Dean was around and I had missed feeling that way since he had been gone.

"Come on squirt,"

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into Bobby's study with him.

"You smell like dirt," I mumbled to him

"Well, now so do you," he smirked at me

Zoning out on their conversation, I thought of Sam. Wondering where he was and being pissed that he was missing this. Sad because he left me but pissed that he basically called me pathetic.

"Hey dork," Dean waved his hand in my face

I smacked it away causing him to smack me back which caused a smack fight before Bobby broke it up.

"Let's go," Bobby snapped at us

I could've sworn I heard him call us idjits under his breath.

"Where are we going," I questioned

"You'll see,"
boring I know but it'll get better lol hopefully you guys enjoyed it.


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