Someone New - Part One (fluff)

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A/N: Part One of a late summer fic of two or three parts. When Andrew comes home from his American tour, he meets the sister of a bride-to-be, who is his exact opposite and feels immediate attraction.

If there was one thing Andrew was craving right now, it was a cuppa. It may sound funny but while touring in the US, he had not missed the emeral coast nor the warmth of a pub but he had missed Barry's tea. Naturally, as soon as he stepped onto the Irish soil after weeks of an American vagabondage, he went to the first coffee house and ordered. Alex Ryan, his all-time mate, had joined as he too was craving an Irish treat: a pint of Guiness in its original setting. 

There, making much noise as they were already one or seven drinks ahead, was a flock of five women. With all the jet lag and the turmoil, Andrew had not made the connection that it was a Friday night. But the distinguished sashes reminded him of it as they read: "Hannah's getting hitched, come and kiss her" right below a drawn erect penis.

"We're in for some fun", Alex giggled as he noticed Andrew staring a little too long at the group. Had he looked more carefully, Alex would have seen that Andrew was not staring at the whole group but at someone in particular. 

She was taking the lead, being all smiles at the waiters while ordering an unstoppable downpour of drinks and trying to sing along with the TV that was performing behind them. Over all, Andrew was attracted to her confidence from the get go and her way of being so much in control of herself. She had an attitude of the cool kids he had envied growing up, without the mean looks.

Y/N was taken away from her daydream of becoming Mariah Carey by Hannah, her sister. The bride-to-be pointed at the two men, enjoying a boiling jasmine tea and the view for one and feasting over an ochre ale for the other "Looks like someone fancies you"

Y/N knew of her sister's habit to invent things but decided to look anyway "Christ, that's Hozier", she declared in a panicked tone. Hozier was looking at her, drunk and proudly wearing genitalia on her attire.

"As a future bride, I insist on you talking to him. It would be so damn cool if he was your additionnal guest at my wedding!"

Hannah knew all too well that her sister had grown a gigantic crush on Hozier for years and she was not ready to let her get away with it.

Y/N was older than her sister and being the single one while her baby sister was getting married had taken a toll on her. She had always thought that she wanted to remain single and collect men but now, she was facing it: her too wanted to settle in. But not tonight. Tonight, she wanted to flirt with Andrew Hozier-Byrne and alcohol was going to help.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, it's going to sound extremely corny but I just wanted to let you know that I love your music", Y/N announced more sheepishly than expected as she approached Alex and Andrew's table.

"Well, thanks, that means a lot! Are you Hannah by any chance?", Andrew asked in return, hoping that she was not Hannah, though he wished to kiss her none the less.

"Oh no, Hannah's my sister, the one with the curly brown hair over there", Y/N pointed at her smiling sister who was doing her best to eavesdrop the conversation, through the laughter of her bridesmaid and the cocktails gulped down.

"Congratulations to her then! When's the wedding?", Alex carried on with the questioning as he knew by now his friend wanted to know more but dared not.

"How about you join our table and we'll answer it all and you could tell us about your American tour! If I remember well, you're just coming back from the US, right?"

Andrew gladly accepted the invitation and soon he swopped tea for an alcoholic beverage, trying to act as loose as he could when clearly, he was seduced by how charming Y/N had been.

It was not how the hen do was supposed to go but no one in the party was complaining. It is not every day that you get to meet a worldwide known artist, even less so that you get to discuss with him.

Y/N saw that Andrew, besides being an excellent singer was also great company, fueling the conversation with occasional limericks and his general debonair attitude. She did not need that to have an enormous crush on him but it sure added to it. She had even decided to sober up to remember the whole night the next day, and to make sure it had all been real.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the bar is going to close in a few minutes", the tenant informed the clients.

"I know of a great pub in Townsend Street we could go", Louisa, one of the bridesmaids said, visibly in need of more ethanol.

Townsend Street was on the other side of the Liffey and required a ten minute walk or so but Hannah along with everyone else thought it could do them good to walk a little before getting more alcohol in their system. It was the perfect time to make a move, Y/N thought.

Alex was taken aside by Tessa, Hannah's best friend as the whole group left the coffee house. As it turned out, Tessa too had played the bass as a teenager and they shared a conversation on instruments while Andrew approached Y/N "So, Y/N, what do you do for a living?"

He instantly regretted his question. He should have asked something more personal, less predictable but Y/N was too merry Hozier was talking to her to care. "I work in an architect office, to become a urban planner one day. Dublin's quite interesting on that matter, have you ever noticed just how sinuous it is? No wonder Joyce made a parallel with the Greek mythology. I often ask this but what is your favourite place in Dublin?"

All Andrew could think of was to say: here, right now, with you. But he had just met Y/N, he could not possibly say that so instead, he replied: "I'd say College Park. I used to hang there more than in the actual Trinity when I was a student"

And on the same tone, questions succeeded and the ten minute walk appeared to be a one minute gig. "I know I'm not the bride, but I wish you could kiss me right now", Y/N stated as the group was entering the pub in front of them, leaving the two of them on the pavement, having their moment.

"It would be my pleasure", Andrew had never been this spontaneous before but how could he refuse it when Y/N was everything he had dreamt of?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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