take me to church

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[A/N]: Okay, so I might be trying something new. For every song that Hozier has (officially) released, I will write an imagine that is somewhat related.

When I read Romeo and Juliet for the first time, I thought that it was mere sci-fi. I had always struggled to find romance in my daily life. Break-ups, broken hearts left behind, friends coming and going: it appeared that love was not for me, nor for anyone else. I did not grow a nihilist, no, but I sure did not believe in love at first sight.

I have not been the luckiest on that matter but it seemed that my luck was eventually changing. Were the stars finally helping me? Was it something else when I met him. He had that mystery attached to his slender figure, something that I could not put my finger on. I had just seen Romeo, I had to become his Juliet. Without the same ending.

I saw him on a rainy day. It had rained all the day long when I finally finished my shift. I was working only to pay my rent. I did not have any pleasure in my work, which for some reason did not bother me. I left the office in a coat soaked that the hours on the back of my chair did not dry. My nose became pink, crimson and then red. Every evening, I would go straight to my flat, almost running to pour me a drink and forget about the lame day I just had. Not this time.

This time I figured that I could grab a pint at the local pub instead of getting drunk by myself. I ordered one pint, and then a second one. Quickly became six pints. It is at that moment that I felt a weight on me. Someone was watching me from afar. A young man about my age who was looking at me. Playful, I decided to play along. So I stared back at him.

He approached me and with a rough voice yet lovely asked.

"Can I?", he hinted by looking at the empty stool next to mine.

He was darn attractive I thought. Although nearly a gallion of beer had invaded my blood, I was full aware of things going on and decided that a little tease could do no wrong. After all, it's been ages I didn't have some nice time in bed with anyone. It looked as though I was to become a nun or something. I had to find a remedy.


And just like that we started talking about everything and nothing. As the bar shut, we had two options ahead of us: parting with the chance never to see each other again or taking a risk by trusting each other. Thus, for better or for worse, we decided to trust one another, ending the night at mine.

Hozier imagines - inspired by awesome fanfics I read in a ridiculous short timeWhere stories live. Discover now