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 I have been giftedcursed with the ability to see ahead of my time. May it sound elitist, but only someone who could be defined as, like Fernando Pessoa once said, "from the same intellectual species than me", will understand. The giftcurse that was giveninflincted to me made me withdraw from my peers, as it seems I speak a different language from theirs. I was also giftedcursed with a deep understanding of topics, to the point of increasing my sensitivity to them. My talentpunishmentforexisting is it seems to be able to predict things, intentions, detect what will happen and not happen. Such skilltorture is of no use if nobody believes said predictions. May it sound arrogant, may it sound elitist. I know for sure the right people will understand this complaint. The people who think of this text as pretentious are also those who do not know what it is like to possess an intuitionpain so huge to the point of forcing you to commit un exil from your own species. So perhaps, only people of the same intellectual species would be able to understand. Where are you ? I'm looking for you. Even though I thought I wouldn't anymore.

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