Chapter 2 Lost Sister

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"Before we start Chalice has the power to turn ghost, she is not the same as the game or the show"

The next day 

Mugman's POV

The brothers were playing in their yard when someone showed up

Chalice; hello boys

They looked in Chalice's direction

Cuphead; hello Chalice

Then boys hugged their friend

Mugman: what are you doing here

Chalice: well, I was in the neighborhood

Mugman; really that's why you're here

Chalice; well then truth is I just want to hang out with you two of ya

Cuphead: what really that sounds fun let's do it

Mugman: what do you have in mind

Chalice: how about we go explore the city

Mugman: it has been a while since we you know

Cuphead: yeah, I know

Chalice: so are you two in

The two nodded

Chalice: great let's go

So, they went to the city

Chalice: so, what have you two been up to since we last saw each other

Cuphead; nothing much but we did have a high-seas adventure yesterday and someone had his first kiss (points at Mugman)

Chalice: what with who

Cuphead: Cala maria

Mugman: CUPHEAD (blushes)

Cuphead: what you two indeed kissed

Mugman: not true she kissed me on the cheek that's it

Cuphead: still count

Chalice: it's doesn't count though

Mugman: anyways what do want to do first in the city

Chalice; go to the picture show

Mugman: sure, but I don't have the money

Cuphead; me either

Chalice: don't worry boys it's on me but Mugman you need money if you want to impress your girlfriend

Mugman: she's not my girlfriend (whisper) yet

Cuphead: I heard that

Chalice: hey let's go, slowpokes,

Mugman; were coming

At the theater, after they watched a movie

Chalice; will that was fun what now

Mugman: let's go home elder kettle will be worried

Cuphead: yeah, your right Chalice we better go

The boys started walking

Chalice: I'll come with I want to meet him

The boys looked at each other and nodded

Cuphead: sure, follow us

Mugman: but you need to promise that you'll keep Cala maria and me a secret from him

Chalice: are you serious

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