Chapter 7 Journey To The UnderWorld

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Mugman's POV

Chalice: so where do you keep your notes

Mugman: just stay here I'll go get it

Cuphead: what we won't see where you keep it

Mugman: it's a secret

Chalice: we'll stay here but you have to bring us next time

Mugman: promise ok I'll go get it now

A few minutes later

Mugman: alright I have it lets go meet with Cala and Mae

So, they went and meet with Cala and Mae

Cala's POV

Mae: and that's why you shouldn't be afraid of being in a relationship

Cala: I guess your right but what he doesn't feel the

Mugman; guys we have the notes wait what are you two talking about

Cala: uh nothing but you have it

Mugman; yeah, but there's a problem

Mae: what's the problem

Chalice: the recipe needs a pufferfish and warts

Cala; ok Mae and I can get the Pufferfish wait what kind of pufferfish do we need

Mugman: uh this kind (shows the notes)

Cala: ah ok that should be easy but where are we going to get the warts

Cuphead: that's the problem it grows in hell

Cala: what how are we going to hell and back

Mugman; king dice should have a way to get there

Cala: ok but wait for us here because I don't you to die on me

Mugman: right but we need to get to your father fast since his dying

Cala; I don't care I need you to be alive

Mugman was shocked to hear this

Mugman" what do you mean

Cala: I can't lose you because I lo-love you, Mugsy

Mugman; uh yo-you love me

Cala; yes, I do that's why I can't let you die

Mugman: uh I guess can't argue with that because I love you too

Mae: ok hand it over you two lost

Cuphead: fine here (hands three coins)

Chalice: here (hands three)

Mugman: what are you three-bet wait don't tell me you were betting on us

Chalice: well, it's Cups idea

Mae: yeah, it's him you should be angry

Cuphead: wow selling me out

Cala; what

Cuphead: change topic so are we going to do this or not

Chalice: yeah, what now

Mugman: alright we are going to talk about this later

Cala: so, you'll wait here for us

Mugman: yeah, we will

Cala: good I'll see you later Mugsy

Come on Mae lets go

Mae: right away

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