Day 24. - ›How Wunimal feels‹

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I've never felt so frightened. First day of school. Why do I have to be here?!
When I've seen my classmates, I knew, I'm done. They were nothing unusual. Normal children.
And that was the problem.
I've never seen normal children. It's mostly because I've never left our village. We lived close to the borders, in hidden community. All of us are pretty much of a mix with animals.
Mom said, that I'm really person-like, so I can go to school. When I hide my tail and said I have that cat eye disability.
Some blonde boy with curly hair and freckles turned around, when I sat down. "Hey, it's my place!"
I stood up. "Oh, um, sorry. I thought..."
He rolled his eyes. "No, you didn't. If you did, you won't sit there. Nerd."
I backed. "I-I-I'm s-s-so s-sorry..."
"Of course you are."
"I... I can..."
"You'll sit here," he declared and pointed at the desk in the end of the class. I backed to my seat. "O-o-okay."

That day the big cat came. The biggest scariest, toothiest cat I've ever seen. She had a talk with my mom and after that she had an argument with some neighbors.

A week after the cat took our family and some neighbors, we packed our most needed things and all the money, and we left the village.
The cat said me, that her name is Fenestra.
And when I asked her where are we going, she turned to me. "We are going home."

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