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Olivia's POV:

I was currently in Sofia and Madison's dorm. Madison was out talking to a police officer about our situation. Honestly, I felt numb. I felt like even though my mom could potentially go to jail, she could get out at any moment. That just freaks me out!

"Liv, I noticed that you were feeling off before, are you sure that you are ok?!"

Don't tell her that she interrupted a moment between me and Josh!

"Yep!" Oh God, she's onto me now!

"I know that you're lying!


"Liv, I get that you're scared because of everything that happened with your mom but you can't hide it anymore, it's serious!"

Wait, is that what she thought I was worried about? Oh thank God, she doesn't know about the almost kiss!

"Uh yeah, that's what I was worried about!" I hate lying.

"Ok well, don't worry, we're dealing with the situation right now!"

I will probably tell her about the almost kiss eventually. Just, not right now!


Oop, what do you think will happen between Josh and Liv. Also, what will happen with Addison?!

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