The hosts around children

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TAMAKI loves children! When ever a child is around, Tamaki will drop whatever he is doing just to play with them.

He secretly craves for a younger sibling, although he knows that that isn'r going to happen, and if he were to get married, he would be the one to bring up having children.

KYOYA, unlike Tamaki, isn't much of a young children. He finds them annoying, loud, and much to immature and silly.

When around children, he tries hard not to lose his temper, keeping the anger inside of himself, instead of lashing out at the poor child, which is probably good, because knowing Kyoya when he is mad, it would petrify the kid.

HANI abandons whatever he is doing to go play. He is much like the child himself, in some ways, getting excited over the same things and such.

He gets along with children well, and everything goes along great, until they decide to eat some of his sweets. Hani is happy to share his sweets, but only if he is asked nicely. If the child doesn't ask, he would be livid, giving the child the cold shoulder.

MORI is at ease with children. People would expect him to find dealing with children as struggle, but it is far from that.

Since he is always looking after Hani, who is much like a child himself in size, and some personality traits, it seems normal to him.

He is soft spoken, and children like that about him.

KAORU is more likely just to be watching over the child, to make sure they didn't get into any trouble.

He is cautious for the child, remembering all kinds of trouble he and Hikaru got into when they were the same age, and made sure that the child was just playing nicely for the moment, not acting anything like he did.

HIKARU starts playing pranks with the child, remembering all kinds of things he and Kaoru got up to when they were younger.

The child absolutely adores Hikaru, as the go around, joking with people, and causing all sorts of trouble, especially on Tamaki. The only time when the child doesn't like being is Hikarus company, is when the both of them get caught.

HARUHI isn't quite sure what to do with the child. She suggests reading to them, but it seems quite awkward.

Needless to say, she isn't too great around children.

She keeps the child entertained enough, and makes sure they dont get into any mischief, but she would much rather be doing something else.

Hey guys! Taylor speaking here! I have taken these from my tumblr, and decided to put them on here in a book! Send In a request, and I will be happy to write it out for you!

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