Chapter 4 After the Meeting

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Been quite some time for me to update the story, I am brainstorming on how I want to continue the story, this is not planned at all so I don't know how good it'll be. Quite a light and heartwarming chapter.

Kira and Niggurath

After leaving the meeting room, they go to the kitchen to get dessert. Along the way, they walked in silence, seemingly processing all the information that Liana, the recently name-changed Herrscher, have given them. It is surely a surprise to know that time travel or as she called it loading a save, is possible. The two of them know that if they can do time travel, surely they want to go back to the past and fix their regrets, but the only known time traveler, Liana, is a Herrscher. Maybe regular humans will suffer greatly from time traveling since based on Liana's story about Otto, he disintegrates after loading a save. Even then the amount of energy to do that is insane and even Liana doesn't have the power to do it.

"Nigurath, do you believe all Liana said?"  Kira asked while they are walking back to their room to eat the ice cream they brought.

"I thought you believe everything since you don't deny her" Niggurath answered. "I know that it is a bit unbelievable but if you think about all the events happening back when we are fighting the dragon, how she saved Kiana using the same power as the 2nd Herrscher, how similar she is with Kiana, then all of it seems plausible."

"Yeah, that's true I guess, as unbelievable as it is, the fact proved its truth", Kira said as they open the door to their room and enter. Their room is a simple dorm room, inside there are two single beds, each with its own end-table, two dressers, and a table with two chairs. They both sit at the table and continued to eat their Ice cream.

"*sigh, I wouldn't think that eating ice cream is such a significant thing before the near-death experience we both had when we fought Bella.", Kira said while looking at her cup with a wry smile. "If Liana wasn't there, we will definitely suffer the same fate as our other self in Liana's timeframe."

"Yeah, you are right, by the way how is your arm? is it still corrupted?" Niggurath asks, worry evident in her eyes. "Maybe we should ask Dr. Tesla for anti-honkai serum"

"No problem, I have asked her and have administered it, it should be gone tomorrow, currently it is not as painful as before so I can use my hands for normal use", Kira said, "However the doctor told me that I can't really fight anymore in the future, the corruption has damaged my cells rendering it unable to contain honkai energy, if I were to use Honkai weaponry, my hands will deteriorate and die."

"Damn, is there no cure for it?"

"Sadly there is none, I will just have to content with it I guess", Kira said sadly

"How about asking Cecilia-sama to use the abyss flower to heal you?"

"I can't trouble her, she needs to recuperate from fighting Sirin, I also don't want her to look at me with worry, I want her to smile cause she is the most beautiful creature in this world", Kira said with love-struck eyes.

"Kira, do you think she will be happy if she found out about your corruption? she is a kind woman Kira, you will hurt her more if you hide it. She will think it is her fault for not noticing sooner your pain. You love her right? you should tell her the truth"

"...", Kira is silent seemingly contemplating Niggurath's suggestion, "Ok I will tell her, but can you please come along with me? I am afraid to look at her worried look."

"Ok, that settles it then" Niggurath stretched her hands preparing to take a bath.

"Niggurath waits, why is Liana calling you sugar Niggurath?" Kira asked as she also started to prepare to take a bath.

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